Joey Lunger - Undercover, Movie Line Pro Wheel, Promo Edit (2023) by Ian Walker.
Previously: Joey Lunger - Crazypills, Full Part by Ian Walker (2022).
Joey Lunger - Undercover, Movie Line Pro Wheel, Promo Edit (2023) by Ian Walker.
Previously: Joey Lunger - Crazypills, Full Part by Ian Walker (2022).
Joey Lunger’s part from Ian Walker’s CrazyPills. Donate and download at Mycrazypills.com.
CrazyPills is a skate film by Ian Walker ( Trailer | Full Video ). Starring: Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, Kyle Vandongen, Joey Lunger, Daniel Malm, James Kobryn. Featuring: Justin Barr, Andrew Jacuzzi, Jordan Smith, Zach Pavel and many more…
You can check some videos here -> Leftovers: Philip Moore | James Kobryn | Jeremy Spira & Full Section: Jeremy Spira | Philip Moore.
Filmed over the course of 5 months in the greater Los Angeles area. Featuring: John Bolino, Joey Lunger, Joe Jimenez, Robert Besabe, Anthony Yepiz, Sam Jeter, Jeremy Soderburg, Jalord Santos, Jordan Williams, and more.
Filmed by: Jeremy Soderburg, Dennis Lopez, Jordan Williams, Gregory Preston, Michael Gorsky, Juan Martinez, and Kay Luz. Title animation: Kevon Thompson.
Undercover is very pleased to announce the latest addition to the pro team for 2022, Joey Lunger! Joey has been an integral part of the UC family for a number of years now, working his way up the ranks from flow to Am and now Pro. His uniquely creative flair and approach to skating has earned him the reputation as one of the west coasts finest. We can not wait to releasing his first pro wheel later this year!
Filmed by: Dennis Lopez, Jeremy Soderburg and Jordan Williams. Edited by: Jeremy Soderberg and Taylor Kobryn.
CrazyPills is a skate film by Ian Walker (Trailer). Starring: Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, Kyle Vandongen, Joey Lunger, Daniel Malm, James Kobryn. Featuring: Justin Barr, Andrew Jacuzzi, Jordan Smith, Zach Pavel and many more… Visit Mycrazypills.com.
Watch the video on Youtube - You can download the HD video for free on Sellfy. Support the team and get more goodies here (tee and mag!).
CrazyPills is a skate film by Ian Walker. Starring: Jeremy Spira, Philip Moore, Kyle Vandongen, Joey Lunger, Daniel Malm, James Kobryn. Featuring: Justin Barr, Andrew Jacuzzi, Jordan Smith, Zach Pavel and many more… Out Jan 27th, 2022. Visit Mycrazypills.com.
Denver premiere: Jan 27th - 8pm at the candy factory, 1514 Curtis st - suite 200, Vax cards & masks required, BYOB.
Tim Franken is showcasing his new Gawds hardboot Pro Skate. Filmed and Edited by Dennis Lopez and Joey Lunger. Gawds Brand - Disroyal Distribution.
Primarily featuring: Zeke Kubinski, Dj Shea, Tom Ancilleri, Dan Barletta but also featuring to a slightly less degree: Joey Lunger, Phil Weaver, Andrew Leverton, James Mandato, Kyle Johnson, Nick Tomanelli, Zach Anthony - Summer 2021.
Previously: Dj Shea & Zeke Kubinski Having Fun Skating Their Wizard Frames (July 2021).
9to5digimedia In Association With Runtz Skate Team presents Jokes Up. Starring: Montre Livingston, Chris Farmer, Franky Morales, Tim Franken, Chino Sin, Billy O’Neill, Damon Franklin, Soichiro Kanashima, Andrew Broom, Ryan Many, Boschi Pope, Chad Hornish, Miki Mizutani, Stephen Babcock, Oscar Sosa, Pablo Munoz, Chris Calkins, Mina Lee, Johnny Yoon, Martina Svobodova, Joey Lunger, Russell Day & More. Filmed and edited by Erick Rodriguez For 9to5digimedia and Samuel Deangelis.
Release Date - 08.27.2021
Miguel Ramos Weekend, Too Easy edit, featuring: John Bolino, Kyle Sola, Joey Lunger, Duke Rennie & Friends. Visit tooeasylbc.bigcartel.com.