Cut & Color: Przemek Madej (Straightfromhere.com). Camera: Przemek Madej, Karsten Boysen. Drone shots: Karol Fudakowski.
Music: “Brest” by Rone.
Cut & Color: Przemek Madej (Straightfromhere.com). Camera: Przemek Madej, Karsten Boysen. Drone shots: Karol Fudakowski.
Music: “Brest” by Rone.
Camera, Cut & Color by Przemek Madej (Straightfromhere.pl). Music: “Yoko” by beGun.
Past Present Future. In 14 years of Winterclash we have witnessed incredible tricks by some of the best girls, juniors, amateurs and pros. We were lucky to welcome most of our legends and we’ve seen kids growing up to become our new heroes.
Blading today has strong roots and blading tomorrow is being created by all of us as we speak, travel and gather. Winterclash 2018 will be a homage to the history of blading, legendary events, influential videos, great personalities, different styles and different times.
And of course: Winterclash 2018 will be a celebration of what’s ahead. Are you in?
Visit Winterclash.com.
Winterclash 2018. 16th + 17th February 2018. Areafiftyone Skatepark / Eindhoven (NL). Camera, Cut & Color: Przemek Madej (Straightfromhere.com). Music: “Territory” by The Blaze. Featured skaters: Antony Pottier (Tony Potch), Joe Atkinson.
Editing and main camera by Michael Witzemann ; additional camera by Evert Lubja and Marius Gaile. Featuring Chris Haffey, Jo Zenk, Nils Jansons, Evert Lubja & Micheal Witzemann.
Bladies Finals 2018 by Skamidan
Slo Mo Edit by Anthony Moss (Amos Media)
Another great weekend had at the clash. The out battery died prematurely but sure what can ya do? I had every intention of staying sober and getting some whopper shit but that didn’t pan out to well, this is the best of what I got, looking forward to next year already! Although my body isn’t! Shot on a Panasonic GH5 at 180fps. Shot and Edited by Anthony Moss. Music: Safia - Make Them Wheels Roll.
Martin Bommeli - Swiss Edit & VLOG
ZWZTJES TV @ Winterclash 2018 - Part 1
Slow Motion Edit by Ivaylo Kovachev
Shot with: Nikon D3200 35mm f/1.8 @60fps & iPhone X @240fps. Camera & edit: Ivaylo Kovachev. Music: Jetta - I’d Love to Change the World (Matstubs Remix).
“Greets from Winterclash! This is madness. A whole crew of Arlos, circa 1990s Hoax II. Swipe to see some of the amazing details (Instagram), like Pawn wristguards and a “Best Sideburns” X Games gold medal!” - Arlo Eisenberg.
WeDOTHISprods - 4k blading edit
Junior Finals - Best Of Winterclash 2018 by Skamidan
Winterclash 2018 - BlackMetal Edition by ReaperDaddy
My little edit for my memories of Winterclash 2018. Apologies for my musical taste! Music credits: Lutece - The last standing flag.
Skaters.ru documented their journey to the Winterclash 2018 (in russian, Google translation) ; Chihiro Azuma announced her 2nd place in the women pool on Chimera-union.com (japanese language, video) ; As.com posted an article about Sara Vilella (spanish, Google translation).
Team Latvia says thanks to all Winterclash family. It was a blast! Congrats to Nils Jansons’s crazy ride into 3rd place - check it out! Video by Vikings Konsta.