Collin Martin experimenting with a double Seba Skates brakes setup. Filmed and edited by Tri Tri-Rudolf.
Music: Patricia - Emo Acid.
Previously: Dirt Box - My Friend Collin (2017) by John Vossoughi.

Collin Martin experimenting with a double Seba Skates brakes setup. Filmed and edited by Tri Tri-Rudolf.
Music: Patricia - Emo Acid.
Previously: Dirt Box - My Friend Collin (2017) by John Vossoughi.
This is footage from 2011-2015. Was going to keep some of these clips for “Shoes With Wheels” but they are getting so old, I decided to make Retrograde, A look back on my last years in Chicago. I miss this place. Soon I will return. - GL-Joe.
Skating by Anthony Esquivel, Jared Reddrick, Gabe Talamantes, Dan Moroney, Matt Luda, Robbie Pitts, Scottie Bee, Collin Martin, Josh Dubman & Cedric Tippet.
Cheers for the love, videos coming soon once I’ve thrashed them to see how they hold up. - Adam Pottss.
USD Carbon Richie Eisler - Walnut Frames & Anti Rockers
Larger Picture on Imgur (via).
“The frame for the gentleman blader”. - The blades of glory.
Wood Frames x USD Eugen Enin
Larger Picture on Imgur. Photo: Instagram (via).
“I want a set of these frames so bad so I can put them on my skates I never skate just to look at forever!” - Josiah Blee.
Here is Tri Tri-Rudolf’s section from my latest video The Chicago Mix Tape: Midwest edition. As always if you enjoy what you see support the project. Its available for download as a VOD on Sellfy ($5). - Doug Sharley.
The chicago Mix Tape: Midwest Edition (PLAY: Trailer). Filmed primarily in 2016/ early 2017 featuring some fresh talent from Chicago as well as the surrounding cities and states. Starring Michael Froemling, Brandon Sanwick, Adam Bazydlo, Nolan Wojciechowski, Joseph Portretow, Brian Bruno, Steve Lerner, Tri Tri-Rudolf, Jared Reddrick, Joe Abdul, Ben Forsythe, Egon Naab, Doug Zalusky, Joe Smith and more. 35 minute run time.
Bonus: don’t miss the parody at the end of Tri Tri Rudolf’s profile (PLAY).