Collin Martin. Filmed and edited by John Vossoughi.
Visit Dirtbox.shop
9 minutes video by Harry Abel. Featuring Elliot Stevens, Alex Burston and the MADchester crew. Still raving.
A VOD released on Sellfy in June 2017. Visit Dirtbox.shop.
Featuring: James Bower, Luke Thompson, Phillip Moore, Gregory Preston, Jeph Howard, Parker Richardson, Billy O’Neill, Jay Ralph, Joey Lunger, Jalord Santos, Jordan Williams & more.
This is footage from 2011-2015. Was going to keep some of these clips for “Shoes With Wheels” but they are getting so old, I decided to make Retrograde, A look back on my last years in Chicago. I miss this place. Soon I will return. - GL-Joe.
Skating by Anthony Esquivel, Jared Reddrick, Gabe Talamantes, Dan Moroney, Matt Luda, Robbie Pitts, Scottie Bee, Collin Martin, Josh Dubman & Cedric Tippet.
Starring: Andrew Nemiroski, Danny Beer, Stuart Brattey, Brian Long & John Vossoughi. Featuring Colin Brattey, Josh Silver, Louis Packham, Taylor Ritchie & Ben Stiller.
PROGRAM 2017. STRENGTH. ENDURANCE. BUILD. RECOVERY. Runtime 19m. PROGRAM 1080P Digital download available at Program.bigcartel.com ($10).