“Heath 4 pro.” - Cody Sanders.
Went to the bl8park and filmed some tricks by my lonesome. It was early. I forgot to put the mic on for 90% of the tricks, haha. Curb Killa Clique 4ever, 1love 2 tha bl8god. - Cody Sanders.
The third issue of the SVZ print series is 76 perfectly bind pages of aggressive in-line skating.
Highlighting The Born Free Tour Story, Anthony Medina, Too Cold To Skate Outside 5, King of Cleveland 2k16, Set-Ups, and Food for Thought.
Featuring skating by Elliot Feltner, Justin Anthony, Andrew Broom, Cody Sanders, Rory Melehan, Sean Quinn, Matt Morin, Julian Mire, & the late, Marcus Dixon.
Check the preview of the Zine, and purchase your copy for $15 on Longliverollerblading.com (scroll a bit to reach the content, past the huge photo cover).
A lot of people have come to me with questions and interest over Adapts the past few years, so I decided to do a video review to answer a few basic questions about the skates.
Forgive some of the out of focus shots, I filmed it all alone so I couldn’t see what I was doing a lot of the time. Also, the ledge wasn’t waxed and it was 8 in the morning, so cut me some slack, haha.
If you’re not satisfied with my review, you can get all the technical jargon at Adaptbrand.com - Cody Sanders.
All 8 wheels, 4down 4up, po’ up. Not taking edits seriously and only skating the bladepark. - Cody Sanders.