The Adapt Team Movie has been in the works for over 2 years. Filming with the entire team all around the world.
Atlanta, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Amsterdam, San Diego, Los Angeles, Paris and more, Cavin Brinkman has captured the Adapt lifestyle and team in this full length movie by Adapt.
Featuring: Julian Bah, Russell Day, Levi van Rijn, Sam Crofts, Rik van Huik and more. VOD and DVD coming out on 29-01-2018.
Oldie but goldie! Rik van Huik killing the streets of Berlin, Bordeaux, Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Katwijk. Filmed by Pieter Wijnant, Thijs Tel, Levi van Rijn and Olga Bouwhuis.
August 25, 2017: Rik van Huik is currently in the hospital in Paris after some bad luck during filming for the new Adapt video.
Even tough he will not be able to get more clips this year, the hammers he did so far are all enders and will make an unforgettable section none the less. - Adapt.
18th edition of the urban festival Dudelange On Wheels (D.O.W) featuring: Anthony Pottier, Remy Meister, Adrien Anne, Jelle Briggeman, Sem Croft, Rik Huik, Levi Van Rijn, Alexandre Serra, Neveu Cyril, Michael Custin, Harley Miguel, Sampio Alexandre, Martins Jimmy, Franz Lauer, Cuttitta Julien alias Tchit, Damien Gerard, Barbelin Florian & Jon Matter.
Best Trick: Wesley Nigel Haan – double frontflip 180.
- CJ Wellsmore (Australia)
- Anthony Pottier (Belgium)
- Jelle Briggeman (Netherlands)
- Jack Swindels (Uk)
- Fedor Simonov (Germany)
- Rik van Huik (Netherlands)
- Grazyna Wratny (Poland)
- Mery Munoz (Spain)
- Stephanie Richer (France)
- Jacky Schrooten (Netherlands)
- Patrick Egan (Uk)
- Rodrigo Texeira (Portugal)
- Tom Couvreur (Belgium)
Ucon Most Creative Trick: Eugen Enin (Germany).
Michael Froemling,
Cristian Guarnieri.