Mesmer Team Skate II - Promo Pic: Marc Moreno - Backslide.

Photo: David Montes Aldea.

Takeshi Yasutoko is getting ready for the 2023 edition of the NL Contest. The event will take place this weekend in Strasbourg, France. Check the Teaser | Visit NLcontest.com. Photo by Satoshi Saijo.
ラトビアのNils。イスラエルのBobi。 インラインスケートやってなかったら出会う事もなかったやろうし、3人ともスケートに全力で向き合ってるからこうやって一緒に滑れたのだと思うと奇跡やなって思いました。 インラインスケートやり続けてる人生で良かった! Rough Google Translation: Nils Jansons from Latvia, Robert Spassov from Israel. If I hadn’t done inline skating, I wouldn’t have met, and I thought it was a miracle to think that all three of us were skating together because they were all facing skating. I’m glad I’ve been doing inline skating! - Takeshi Yasutoko.
Ilia Savosin skating during the 2022 Embily trip in Vladivostok, Russia. A photo by Vladimir Mozgalev. More photos here and here (Facebook Links).
Been staring at this beast for a while since they built it, wanting to get this picture. Stars finally aligned yesterday and got a chance to go shoot it. Thanks Jeremy Townsend for snapping this for me, and Erik Buckner Holmquist for wrangling all the kids while we trying to get it haha. - Jake Dotson (via).
Egor Loginov (Russia) - First Street 2022. Photo: Self Messiah | Clip of the trick (page 2).
Card Description: Julian Vaughn Bah - 17 years old - Atlanta, GA - 06 years of skating.
Without Wheels: When I was a little younger I liked art a lot (I still do), but I started to like skating a lot more. So I would probably be getting into something having to do with art if I didn’t skate.
Looking forward: I’m looking forward to watching skating progress and seeing all the crazy shit people will start to do a few years from now.
Photo: The ghost of DailyBread.