Windy City Riot, 2024 Edition, coverage by Aaron Schultz.

5min Edit
Raw Clips - 40 minutes
Featured Skaters: Michael Braud | Jeff Dalnas | Paul John.
Windy City Riot, 2024 Edition, coverage by Aaron Schultz.
5min Edit
Raw Clips - 40 minutes
Featured Skaters: Michael Braud | Jeff Dalnas | Paul John.
“This year we’re giving away $8000…” - Chris Mccormick.
Chicago, Illinois - July 20th, 2024. Twenty-three years and still going strong. The event was exactly what it states to be…an absolute riot. A difficult one to film as skaters came charging one after another from all directions to hit each spot in multiple different ways so if you want to try and see everything that went down I’d suggest you watch a few different edits after this one as well as staying on top of social media posts from the event. The energy from everyone was amazing and supportive and the winners went home with a nice chunk of money this year. Well done to everyone involved! Cheers! - butterTV.
Windy City Riot: This all street contest has been around 23 years running. Its held in Chicago and it’s always been known for being gnarly. It’s almost a honor to skate in that contest even though anyone can enter. So many incredible tricks have gone down over the 2 decades by some of the most talented. They made $8000 this year to pay winners by doing raffles and donation stuff plus sponsors which is awesome.
At least thats how I feel about it cause rollerblading isn’t a very lucrative sport so thats impressive to achieve. Beyond the point! haha I again didn’t plan on making a edit so maybe next time I will just commit and try to do more filming. It was my 4th day walking since my surgery so Im still getting used to moving, standing and most definitely walking. If you’re reading this and one of the many people who came up and showed love I really appreciate the support cause it made me feel great and almost validated my trauma in ways.
Besides the point haha love goes out to all the skaters out there who still show up to these. It’s truly a really badass thing when you sit back and think about it (maybe blazed) Windy City Riot is a hard contest to skate in and everyone wants a piece of the action. Shit can get wild out there. So yeah all the people who put on Windy City Riot are awesome and I pat them all on the back because just like the intro to this edit. “I dont have any money” lol So I am almost done with this rant…or am I? not sure yet. let me think. umm…nah I think thats about it. Good times and I truly hope to see everyone there next year. Peace…or is it?… - Hawke Trackler.
Instagram: @Windycityriot.
Aaron Schultz coverage of the Windy City Riot, 2023 Edition.
Edit (5:00)
Raw Clips (40:00)
Windy City Riot 2023: Swagjacker1 Edit | Edit by Hawke Trackler + Results.
Aaron Schultz already released a full edit of the Windy City Riot, 2022 edition, here are the raw clips of the events! 30 good minutes of pure enjoyable skating.
Previously: 2022 Windy City Riot, by Aaron Schultz + Results.
2022 Windy City Riot featuring: Anthony Volkart, Brad Magnuson, Cedric Tippett, Chad Anthony, Chase Linzmeyer, Chris Mccormick, Dallas Kilpatrick, David Walsh, Dwight Harding, Jared Reddrick, Joe Smith, Jordan, Josh Cardenas, Josh Dubman, Luke Belding, Michael Froemling, Paul John, Tri Tri Rudolf, Troy Beyer, Yandriel Silverio, Dave Depew & April Nesler.
Music: Chance the Rapper - Do You Remember & Hot Shower.