"Mesmer Throne" John Bolino Pro Skate ready for pre-order NOW! Available Worldwide!

Mesmer Pro: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Marc Moreno, Levi van Rijn - Mesmer founder: Billy O’Neill.
So I got to spend a good bit of time on the Trigger Jeff Dalnas Pro Boot, they are shaping up to be pretty good. Now there are some issues with them that I lightly touched on, but I will go over those in depth later on. I just wanted to give you all a little insight into how these are feeling after about a few hours in these boots.
If you are getting foot pain you may just need to struggle through it until the padding breaks in. So just stick with them. they are solid grinding skates and feel really nicely balanced. I hope that you guys have a good experience with these skates. I will post a more about them soon. - Vintage Roller (Youtube).
Upside Down (USD) Skates, magazine ad, featuring Thrones skates as well as Arlo Eisenberg, Jon Julio & Josh Petty pro models. Photo: Coma Blade.
Mesmer is tremendously happy to bring our first project “RISING” to you. Movements sprawled across the streets of New York City, Madrid and Barcelona. Starring: John Bolino, Dominic Bruce, Levi van Rijn, Marc Moreno & Billy O’Neill. Produced by Mesmer skates brand. Filmed by Luis Corrales, Julian García, Teles Ángel, Marc Moreno. Edited by Marc Moreno. Motion Graphics: Carl Benny Robert, Theodor Reumert, John Bolino, Marc Moreno. Photography: David Montes Aldea, Beatriz Conde-Corbal, Óscar Prats.
Introducing the Patrick Ridder Pro 909. Featuring our new V.2 wide soul plates. Now available for pre-order (Today our container landed at the Los Angeles port) at your favorite skate shop and Themskates.com. Ships early December.
We are also proud to announce our royalty program $25-$30 royalty per pair sold vs. our previous royalty plan of $10-$15. Patrick Ridder can make up to $40,000 when his skate sells out.