Still Cheezy ‘21. Featuring Tony Rivituso, Blake Payne, Robby Mo, Jordan Taylor, Polly Morris, Evy Ev, Mikey Mendoza, Derek Macias, John Copeland, Jake Dotson & Brian Long.
Still Cheezy ‘21. Featuring Tony Rivituso, Blake Payne, Robby Mo, Jordan Taylor, Polly Morris, Evy Ev, Mikey Mendoza, Derek Macias, John Copeland, Jake Dotson & Brian Long.
A quick rip around the block in Rochester, NY filmed by Tim Adams on the mini cam a couple months ago for GCD but they just didn’t quite work into the video. Grant Hazelton is an absolute ripper, showing no sign of slowing down. He has dropped countless great sections and now he’s out spreading the word about Roces. Not to mention, he is just an awesome dude! We need more like Grant out there! Rest in Peace Aretha. Stay Cheezy!
Shot by Travis Swindle with contributing footage from Tad Tregeagle. Cut by Tony Rivituso. This video is a collection of footage that has been stacking up since late December 2017.
Grant Hazelton takes first in our most recent online video contest! Filmed: Nathaniel Hall, Tim Adams, & AJ Pow. I have always been a huge fan of Grant’s blading and when I saw he was going to enter the contest, I was pretty stoked. He really brought the cheddar, I think he fit double the amount of clips in 1min vs everyone else! Sit back and enjoy Grant ripping around park in his natural habitat!
Florida ripper Zack Pollack takes second place! Filmed: Pablo Porta. Zack made the very last submission for the contest and damn did it stir things up a bit. Zack always brings some great skating to the table, and this edit definitely Compliments that! Make sure to look out for Zack in the CheezyFeet video, Grilled Cheez Deluxe!
Joey Lunger takes 3rd! Joey’s skating is one of a kind, super flowy with a ton of creativity sprinkled all over it! His skating doesn’t disappoint, and even in a park packed with kiddos, its no execption! All other winners will be announced today! Stay tuned! Filmed: Zeke Kubinski.
Check all the entries for the Cheezy Feet Online Winter Contests: 2018 | 2017 (Youtube Playlists) - Cheezy Feet on Instagram.
Previously: Cody Lampman wins the Cheezy Feet Online Contest (Winter 2017).
Las Vegas local, Tony Rivituso, makes a pact with dark gods and gains the power to slay skateparks and stuff.
Cheezy Feet presents Grilled Cheez Deluxe, a full length blade video dropping may 2018. Featuring: Jimmy Cisz, Angel Gloria, Austin Cooper, Sean Grossman, Foogie Bartels, Jesse Soda, Ian Forgette, Chris Burns, Pablo Porta, Zack Pollack, Will Enzenauer & Many More! Stay Cheezy! Filmed by Austin Cooper & Austin “Foogie” Bartels.
Previously: Cheezy Feet: An Xtra Cheezy Christmas (2017).