We are pleased to give our support to the french champion Lisa-Mary Authié. Member of the French National Roller Freestyle Team, we follow her on a freeride and street session filmed in Barcelona. So, let’s check this out!
We are pleased to give our support to the french champion Lisa-Mary Authié. Member of the French National Roller Freestyle Team, we follow her on a freeride and street session filmed in Barcelona. So, let’s check this out!
The Extreme Barcelona 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Featuring: Melissa Brown, Rosie O’Donoghue, Eve Jovino, Javiera Guarrido, Kayla Carmichael, Mery Munoz, Tais Colares, Amandine Condroyer, Manon Derrien, Lisa-Mary Authie, Anaelle Nogueira, Lauren Christina and more!
Music: Nostalgia & Aami feat. Insomnia - “Bad Machine”.
Extreme Barcelona 2017, More Media:
Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.
Danny Guerrero shares a part of her life with us, from Venezuela to Barcelona, she loves skating, music, lutheria and most of all, her husband Michel Prado to whom the video is dedicated!
Additional footage by Michel Prado. All our love to a super couple that made this video possible.
30 seconds with Mery Munoz in her blue USD carbon skates grinding the rail at Marbella skatepark in Barcelona, Spain. Filmed by Rosie O’Donoghue, cut by Mellybladie.
The Extreme Barcelona 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Featuring: Dexter, Jeremy Melique, Roman Abrate, Antony Pottier, Anthony Avella, Anthony Finocchiaro and more!
Music by Blackmill “The Drift”. Visit Unlabelled-media.com.