After a summer full of blading and filming here is the result. Riders: Leana Wirth and Till Zimmer.
Music: Fiber Optic - Echo Park. Thanks to Bean Dreadley and TNT-Clothing for their support.
After a summer full of blading and filming here is the result. Riders: Leana Wirth and Till Zimmer.
Music: Fiber Optic - Echo Park. Thanks to Bean Dreadley and TNT-Clothing for their support.
The Extreme Barcelona 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Featuring: Melissa Brown, Rosie O’Donoghue, Eve Jovino, Javiera Guarrido, Kayla Carmichael, Mery Munoz, Tais Colares, Amandine Condroyer, Manon Derrien, Lisa-Mary Authie, Anaelle Nogueira, Lauren Christina and more!
Music: Nostalgia & Aami feat. Insomnia - “Bad Machine”.
Extreme Barcelona 2017, More Media:
Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.
Roller Street Pro
Roller Girl
Vert Podium
Vert Results
Spine Podium
Spine Results
Photo of the day: Coco Sanchez by Jeff Linett (IG).
If you want to know why I quit… Click play. Thanks to all of you for having contribute to who I became. - Stephanie Richer.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
For those of you that don’t know who Kaya Turski is I’ll give a bit of background on her. At just 14 years old she turned ASA Pro, and continued to dominate Womens Rollerblading, street and park.
She would reach the podium in pro Men events, and put out street sections that would put most men to shame. At the age of 17 she discovered skiing (thanks to D-Structure selling both rollerblades and twin tip ski’s).
After working a job at two Subway locations she saved up just enough money to work on her skiing in Whistler. Within the year she signed her first pro contract. At age 28, she has now been a professional athlete for half of her life. […]