Jacob Juul teamed up with Jonas Hansson to film this Aeon 72 video. And like always, their work is amazing!
Previously: Jacob Juul in Venezuela (2017) - USD Edit.

Jacob Juul teamed up with Jonas Hansson to film this Aeon 72 video. And like always, their work is amazing!
Previously: Jacob Juul in Venezuela (2017) - USD Edit.
Here it is, the 2017 USD Team edit! Street skating from all around the world (plus some very special vert action straight from Japan), all mashed up in a 9 minute monster of an online release.
Featuring: Eugen Enin, Fridolin Eelbo, Richie Eisler, Jacob Juul, Nick Lomax, Mery Munoz, Carlos Bernal, Axel Bihagen, Daniel Goncharov, Jeff Dalnas, Jaro Frijn, Sam Crofts, Dano Gorman, Kuba Malecki, Randy Zoller, Roman Abrate, Montre Livingston, Justin Brasco, Takeshi Yasutoko, Diego Guilloud, Tomek Przybylik, Chris Farmer. Filmed by all of their pals, edited by Mark Heuss.
USD’s Jacob Juul went to Venezuela with his Skate School (Inline-skateundervisning.dk) and his friend and Skatepro teamrider Jara Mrstny to support and help the kids and inlineskating community in Venezuela, Puerto Cabello.
Not only did they bring a lot of skates for free but they also taught the kids for free everyday in the skatepark and made sure that they approved their skills in the whole month and made sure that they knew what they have to practice on when they left.
In the meantime, Jacob still found the time to finish a whole profile from the streets on Venezuela, skating the USD Aeon 72mm Richie Eisler Pro skate. This edit is filmed in 3 cities in Venezuela: Puerto Cabello, San Diego and Valencia.
“This edit is dedicated to all the inlineskaters in the world for free so hope you guys will enjoy.” - Jacob Juul. Jacob would like to thank Jara Mrstny, Rafael Benitez, Diego Gonzalez and Julio and the family of Puerto Cabello.
More Media: Jacob Juul & Jara Mrsnty - Venezuela (2017), SkatePro Edit.
Mery Munoz collected some Street footy over the last couple of months so she put this piece together. enjoy!
Photo: Gaby Velasquez.
The Elite Series continues this winter with Scott Quinn, Richie Eisler and Alex Burston. - Jonas Hansson.
Black and gold! The Carlos Pianowski AEON legend pro model skate from USD Skates is pure fire and it will come stock with Second Skin liners. - Myfit Liners.