Mr. Smooth himself aka Richard Williams. Getting after it with a new street segment. Yeah bo$$! Filmed by Brandon Andersen, Taylor Bredfield, Sem Croft, Lari Dal Lago & Friends.

Mr. Smooth himself aka Richard Williams. Getting after it with a new street segment. Yeah bo$$! Filmed by Brandon Andersen, Taylor Bredfield, Sem Croft, Lari Dal Lago & Friends.
Once per year, aggressive inline skaters gather in Atlanta, GA to keep the rollerblade culture alive! A-Town Stomp has been in motion for nearly a decade, and shows no signs of slowing down!
Finally done with the A-Town Stomp video! Forgive my sweaty face and enjoy the production. - Jannah Christine (Theboldopinion.com).
If you were lucky enough to catch the 8th annual A-Town Stomp right here in Atlanta, you know just how dope it was to squad up in huge numbers in the way that only the brothers Starnes can muster this year with the help of craftsman and all around edgy dude, Adam Bazydlo, the Stomp took place along the city’s well-populated Beltline trail.
Despite the sweltering heat, surprise thunderstorms and immense crowds of spectators, Carson and Brian Starnes managed to keep the masses in check, detailing spot after spot for registered riders to rip. The crowning achievement for this year’s contest was definitely the retrofitted minivan. Well-respected bladers like Julian Bah, Jon Cooley, and Chris Smith took to this year’s obstacle like they’d been planning on it their whole lives. […]
Check the Video on Stupiddope.com ; don’t miss the Official Edit by Brian Starnes + Results. Photo: Ray Kronicberg by Trace Taylor.
A-Town Stomp, 2017 Edition. Amazing July weekend in Atlanta. Huge shout out to the Starnes brothers for hosting and to Bladezilla for hosting us on our extended stay ;) Can’t wait for next year. - Aaron Schultz.
Garet Slobey’s Favorite Trick: Daniel Henderson. 100 Dollar Hustle: Austin Loomis. K2 Best Trick: White Rabbit Skate Team. USD AEON Best Trick: Daniel Henderson.
Rollerblade Team in Atlanta, Edit by Chris Smith.
Bonus: Sean Keane - Dark ATL Clips
Brightened up a couple of night clips that were a little dark from the new RB ATL edit. - Sean Keane.
Filmed and edited by Raj Mander. Additional filming: Mark Ellis. Visit Rampworx.com.
Music: It’s Getting Boring by the Sea - Blood Red Shoes.