Here are a few clips I found on my laptop today, when I was still skating USD Sways! Filmed at the Gap City’s skatepark in France. - Roman Abrate.

Raw clips from my South America Street Edit

Full Edit: PLAY - Roman Abrate touring South America.
Here are a few clips I found on my laptop today, when I was still skating USD Sways! Filmed at the Gap City’s skatepark in France. - Roman Abrate.
Raw clips from my South America Street Edit
Full Edit: PLAY - Roman Abrate touring South America.
Gracias South America! Made it home after 5 amazing months in South America. 1st session in Gap City, unfortunately it was raining today… But my friends from Dijon were here and I had the chance to skate our indoor spot with my buddy Florian Petitcollin. - Roman Abrate Photo: Gian Pierre Forttini.
Prize money: 1500 euros ($1600) + 1000 euros ($1070) for the Cash for Tricks event.
FASU Contest in Gap, France. 13th & 14th May 2017. Here is a little teaser for the event. See you there for an amazing weekend! – Roman Abrate.
We filmed this in the beautiful city of Gap. I hope you will enjoy this edit as much as I enjoyed skating for it! Thanks to Roman Abrate for filming like a boss. - Stephanie Richer.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Flashback (2015): USD is proud to introduce his new pro rider 2015: Roman Abrate. After traveling the globe for the biggest events, Roman show us now how smooth he is on street with this new edit!
Roman Abrate - USD Pro, Promo Edit (July 2, 2015). Music: Top Notch – Lazee.
I’m really happy to tell you that I’m now riding for USD, I’m proud to skate now for a brand that take good care of their riders and their sport! Working in good vibes with a very cool team is gonna be amazing! Stay tuned for all the good stuff coming out, let’s carry on pushing our sport! - Roman Abrate. April 5, 2015.
In 2017, USD Skate pro rider Roman Abrate was traveling South America for 5 months to meet people and share his passion for skating. He was skating almost every day with the guys, making the most out of an amazing trip.
Between the big sessions that where organized by the locals, Roman also took time to film this little street section. Needless to say that the latest Rollergames World Champion also kills it in street.
“Not skating a lot of street usually, but when I do, it’s cause I like it and I had a lot of fun filming it! It was probably the best trip i have ever made, met amazing people and great places. I really loved the culture over there and only have had good times! Like I said at the end of the video, thanks to all the persons who helped me and who have been part of it! Especially USD, Kaltik and UC for making it possible.” - Roman Abrate.
Skates: USD VII skates, Kaltik frames, 60mm 88A Abrate Pro UC Wheels, Wicked Swiss bearings. Filmers: Juan David Leon, Jose Joaquin, Bairon Martines, Antonio Navarro, Jose Bandav, Cristopher Ibanes, Arquimedes Gonzalez, Matias Veras, Bryan Mac Bride. Edit: Leo Rosello. Location: Peru, Chile, Bolivia & Panama.