Trick of the day! Philip Moore at the King of Cleveland 2017 (September 9th). “Congrats to Philip Moore for taking the crown back!” - Motortownclassic.

Trick of the day! Philip Moore at the King of Cleveland 2017 (September 9th). “Congrats to Philip Moore for taking the crown back!” - Motortownclassic.
King of Cleveland Professional Rollerblading Street Contest. 4th Annual. Who will leave the King? Short promo video by Brandon Thompson: PLAY.
Brandon Thompson has started a campaign on Indiegogo.com to fund the King of Cleveland 2017, 4th edition (September 9th, 2017. 2PM-10PM, Greenwood Park, 2250 West 38th Street, Cleveland Ohio, 44113).
2016 King Of Cle: Election Year | Edit by Aaron D Schultz
2016 Results
Huge thank you to Brandon Thompson for organizing. Hope to see everybody September 9th, 2017!
More Media | Edits of the previous years
The third issue of the svz print series is 76 perfectly bind pages of aggressive in-line skating.
Highlighting The Born Free Tour Story, Ant Medina, Too Cold To Skate Outside 5, King of Cleveland 2k16, Set-Ups, and Food for Thought.
Featuring skating by Elliot Feltner, Justin Anthony, Andrew Broom, Cody Sanders, Rory Melehan, Sean Quinn, Matt Morin. Julian Mire, & the late, Marcus Dixon.
Order your copy on Longliverollerblading.com.
Skitch Video Zine, Bonus - PLAY:
Issue 3: Making the cover (featuring Kimmy Kobryn).
Issue 2: Full Video | Making the Cover | Trailer.
Issue 1: Intro | Motortown Classic 2015 | Blade Knife section | Trailer.
The third issue of the SVZ print series is 76 perfectly bind pages of aggressive in-line skating.
Highlighting The Born Free Tour Story, Anthony Medina, Too Cold To Skate Outside 5, King of Cleveland 2k16, Set-Ups, and Food for Thought.
Featuring skating by Elliot Feltner, Justin Anthony, Andrew Broom, Cody Sanders, Rory Melehan, Sean Quinn, Matt Morin, Julian Mire, & the late, Marcus Dixon.
Check the preview of the Zine, and purchase your copy for $15 on Longliverollerblading.com (scroll a bit to reach the content, past the huge photo cover).
Victor Daum, 2nd place at the ESA 2017 (Montpellier, France). A clip by Comploclothing.
Video Offline.