Young Jui$e shredding Lafayette Skatepark on the way to the 19th Annual Colorado Road Trip. Filmed by: Ian Orbinson & Hectoro Sanchez of DNKG Films. Edited by: Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Music by: Elmer Muisc (Soundcloud).
Young Jui$e shredding Lafayette Skatepark on the way to the 19th Annual Colorado Road Trip. Filmed by: Ian Orbinson & Hectoro Sanchez of DNKG Films. Edited by: Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Music by: Elmer Muisc (Soundcloud).
An edit from the 19th annual Colorado Road Trip. Filmed and edited by Adam Bazydlo ; contributing filmers: Josh Appleton. Enjoy. - Adam Bazydlo(/tags/adam-bazydlo).
Young Jui$e & Remo DiTullio travel across the states to Chicago. Some quick warm ups filmed by Hectoro Sanchez of DNKG Films & Ian Orbinson. Edited by: Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Visit 1kentertainment.com | dnkgfilms.blogspot.com | okboston.blogspot.com.
Young Jui$e cruising down Wall St, NYC on a Saturday. Also featuring AirtoThe, Korina Calderon, Drew, Eddie Travieso, & Augusto Castillo.
Filming by Hectoro Sanchez of DNKG Films, Augusto Castill, & Lex of 1kEntertainment. Editing by Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Music by Ski Mask The SlumpGod & BackWhen. Visit 1kentertainment.com | dnkgfilms.blogspot.com | okboston.blogspot.com.
Some quick hits in New York City with Young Jui$e rocking the K2 Unnatural Skates. Filming by: Hectoro Sanchez of DNKG Films & Lex from 1kentertainment. Editing by: Young Jui$e & 1kEntertainment.
Music by Leak (Soundcloud). Visit 1kentertainment.com | dnkgfilms.blogspot.com | okboston.blogspot.com.
Young Jui$e skating the K2 Unnatural skates at a new skate path at Fresh Pond Cambridge, MA. Filming by Craig Carbonneau & Los. Editing by Young Jui$e and 1kentertainment. Music by Elmer Music (Soundcloud).
Visit Okboston.blogspot.com | 1kentertainment.com.