A weekly dose: Lunes, by Miguel Ramos. Featuring Jeff Stockwell, Erik Bailey, Victor Arias, Randy Roadhouse Spizer, Jon Julio, Azikiwee Anderson, Dereck Henderson, Sean Darst & friends.
A weekly dose: Lunes, by Miguel Ramos. Featuring Jeff Stockwell, Erik Bailey, Victor Arias, Randy Roadhouse Spizer, Jon Julio, Azikiwee Anderson, Dereck Henderson, Sean Darst & friends.
Join Chris Haffey, Erik Bailey, Jeff Stockwell, Victor Arias, and Brandon Smith as they shred though a two-week, 3,000-mile tour of skate parks in Northern California, Oregon and Idaho. Burning through 200 pairs of socks, they sleep in tent cities, always keeping a vigilant eye out for Big-foot. A Tour Film by Ivan Narez.
Full Video - PLAY: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV.
More Sections, Promos & Goodies on Vimeo.
Iconic Skate Spot: The legendary Hollywood High 16 Stair. Featuring Demetrious George, Mike Johnson, Josh Letona, Brian Hamm, Kevin Gillan, Lyle Shivak, Aaron Feinberg, Billy Prislin, Louis Zamora, Jeff Stockwell, Mike Radebough, Dominic Sagona, Brian Shima, Shayne Skower, Franky Morales, Rachard Johnson, Gonzo, Hoan Phong, Chris Haffey, Carlos Pianowski, Anthony Gallegos, Chris Farmer Jon Julio & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
The Misled Lab presents Barely Dead. Produced by JDU, written by Justin Eisinger. Cinematography & Editing by JDU. Motion Graphics by Matt Andrews & JDU. Art Direction by Andy Tunney & Eric Pieper. Featuring: Arlo Eisenberg, Erik Bailey, Alex Broskow, Chris Haffey, Chris Farmer, Brian Shima, Jeff Stockwell, Julian Bah, Oli Short, Jon Julio, Franky Morales, Cameron Card, Shane Coburn, Jon Elliott, Robert Guerrero, Tom Hyser, Azikiwee Anderson and many others. Distributed by Sadako Distribution. Dealer inquires welcome: doug@misledmedia.com. Shot on Super 16mm film & High Definition Video.
Barely Dead, Full Video on Youtube: Playlist (480p) | Single 54’ video : PLAY (240p).
Soundtrack Listing
In 2006, many of rollerblading’s most influential individuals were interviewed for the documentary Barely Dead. Six years later, these interviews provide intriguing commentary on the growth and progression of rollerblading and blade culture.
While fashions may have changed and companies have come and gone, the words spoken by these blading leaders capture the many complex nuances of rollerblading life. Watch for some rollerblading history from the recent past that we all experienced together. Visit Oneblademag.com.
Lost Interviews - PLAY: Erik Bailey | Jess Dyrenforth | Jon Julio.
The Blading Cup 2011: A Pro/Am Contest and Demo. Brought to you by NISS, Spohn Ranch, Themgoods Distribution, Bernal Heights, Valo, Razors, USD, Xsjado, Aggressivemall, Rollerwarehouse, Eulogy, Vibralux, Strange Creatures, INRI, SDSF , Downtown Inc. and the City of Santa Ana.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Featuring: Chris Haffey, Brian Aragon, Alex Broskow, John Bolino, Erik Bailey, Chris Farmer, Frankie Morales, Brandon Smith, Jeff Stockwell, Dominic Sagona and many more.
Photos: Brandon Smith
Check some pictures by Brandon Smith, saved on Archive.org.