“Filmed throughout my short stay in Rotterdam last month, shot & cut by Kenny Owens”. - Vladimir Kocherga.
“Filmed throughout my short stay in Rotterdam last month, shot & cut by Kenny Owens”. - Vladimir Kocherga.
The whole promo was filmed in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, which is Eugen Enin’s home country. Eugen and Daniel decided to upload this archive of the filming process, not only to show the work behind the promo but also to raise awareness about the on going war in Ukraine. “It’s heartbreaking for us to see our family and friends suffer during these harsh times. Please help spreading awareness of what’s going on and support in any way or donate if you can”. Visit Helpukrainewin.org.
Previously: USD Shadow Eugen Enin Pro Skate - Promo Edit by Daniel Enin.
Photo: USD.
We are very proud to present you our new video dedicated to rollerblading. МІСТО КАШТАНІВ means “Chesnut’s City” Which is the nickname of the city of Kiev.
This video is collaboration between Asphalt Blading Club, Switzerland and Kiev Inline based in Ukraine.
With the participation of: Andrew Morozow, Eugen Enin, Geoffroy Dubreuil, Max Dzhulai, Andrew Taylor, Stephane Ryter & Max Irzhanenko. Directed by: Stephane Ryter. Special Thanks to: Andrew Morozow, Olya Nikolenko, Artiom Denysenko & Ilia Balatskii.
I spent this year on the streets, in the stone jungles of my favorite city with jungle in my ears doing what I love. Love of skating returned to me, such as it was in my youth, sincere and open. I feel even freer than last year. It seems that I brought it up in myself. More freedom and choices, more creativity, more love more love for myself and to the world. - Andrew Morozow.
Main Camera: Stephane Ryter, Max Irzhanenko & Ilia Balatskii. Additional filming: Rost Ihnatenko, Anna Tsarevska, Andrii Denysenko, Taras Bobrov, Eugene Ovsyannik, Pasha Marchuk & Alex Kuzmenko.
Special thanks to: Stephane Ryter for the best shots in my life and great time together in Kyiv ; Eugen Enin for support and motivation ; Max Irzhanenko and Ilia Balatskii for patience on the spots, lovely friendship, tolerance for my leadership and great shots ; Pasha Marchuk for supporting Ukrainian and worldwide inline scene and me personally ; Anna Yushchenko @annayushch for acceptance of rollerblading as big part of my life, for love and for design. Music: Taly & Smith - Liquid City Jungle (ft. BRTS).
Profile of our ambassador Kate Bedrata filmed in Kharkov, Ukraine with the help of her friends of the NBNP crew (No Brain No Pain). Song: Siberian Express - Talk To Me [NCS Release]. Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.
Artem Rumyantsev - Park Skating in Simferopol (Crimea, 2021) at the Extreme Crimea Comp.
Crimea is a peninsula along the northern coast of the Black Sea in Eastern Europe. It is almost entirely surrounded by both the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov to the northeast. Check its location above.
Extreme Crimea Results
Odessa, Kiev with Gaston Michel, Stan Kogutyak, Ronan Algalarrondo, Vadym Demydov, Max Irzhanenko, Igor Bezuglyi, Pavel Marchuk, Artur Novikov& Orest Walkher.
Filmed by Anton Minaev, Daniel Goncharov, Maks Malchevski & Vladimir Kocherga. Edited by Ivan Kovtun. Location: Belgorod (Russia) & Kiev (UA).