Ski Skates by Ilya Savosin - How to Ski in the Summer!
Athletics was always “it.” When my peers were busy socializing or sneaking notes around class about their current crush, my crush was the rail setup I wanted to slide on my rollerblades later that week. [..]
Check the Full CBC Sports Article on Cbc.ca.
Freeskiing and Inline Street Skating have many similar traits. So I Decided to cross over between the two sports .
Three years ago, I saw my inline skating friends enjoying Freeski. I was quiet impressed, and I wanted to test myself to see if my predispositions for inline street skating can help me on Freeski. So here I am today.
This year I have joined my friends in the snowpark for the first time. They gave me tips and a huge boost of motivation to jump and slide on different obstacles. It was like when you are a kid and you discover a skatepark, but you already know how to do a few tricks. Learning tricks is much faster because I can use everything I already know from inline street skating. - Guillaume le Gentil.
Article & Photos on Rollerblade.com
Previously: Guillaume Le Gentil – Lost in Paris (2016) by Antonin Folliot – Full VOD, Now Free.
For a sport that was the fastest growing by some margin at the turn of the 21st Century, skating sure has taken a dive towards the underground. In the past 8-10 years, ‘Aggressive Inline’ has become almost invisible to the casual observer, though when I’m in the city between ski seasons, I can see signs of a slight resurgence.
From the skiing side, there’s always been a reluctance to associate inline with skiing. But the fact remains there IS a strong relationship between the two sports. We face the same way, we do royales, backslides, fastslides and makios (though we don’ generally call makios by their name). We both have a history of being looked down upon by our sideways sliding neighbours and at times shared brands like D-Structure, Salomon and K2 too. Oh and it’s no coincidence that some of the smoothest skiers have an inline background or take to skates in the offseason because that shit teaches you a precision on both rails and landings, that only a select few learn on skis alone. The two activities feed off of each other and that is rarely clearer than in what has to be considered the greatest ‘summer edit’ ever seen on NS from skier and pro blader, Dima Makrushin. To check out his skills on snow, watch any Life Steeze Media Film. […]