Isaac Callen (Auckland, New Zealand) - ReISSUE. A Rollerblading, Street Edit by the wonderful Shred City Skates.
Isaac Callen (Auckland, New Zealand) - ReISSUE. A Rollerblading, Street Edit by the wonderful Shred City Skates.
“6 New Zealand Boys fly over to the U.S.A. to skate some famous skate spots for 2 weeks straight. To celebrate this trip, I teamed up with Shred City Skatesto make a limited edition hockey jersey (get yours today). This is the highlights of our skating in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Featuring Sluglord (Ryan Roulston), Isaac Cullen, Frenchy (James Walker), David Bee, Kelvin Wong and Brandon Drummond. Edited by Kelvin Wong”. - Brandon Drummond.
Featured Skaters: Sluglord, Kelvin Wong, Frenchie James Walker, David Bee, Isaac Cullen + Bonus People: Kevon Biz Thompson, Alli | Allison, Korey Waikiki & Mo.
NZ Vert Champs 2023 - Shred City Skates Edit (New Zealand).
NZ Vert Champs 2023 - February 25, 2023 - Visit Shredcityskates.com (Store is NZ only).
It’s my birthday on the 8th and I’ll release this early and go blading if I want to. Filmed from mid April to end of May, in-between work, weather, and day to day life. On the solo missions. Here’s to 20+ years of blading and hopefully till the end of my days! Stay rad and keep shredding. - Kelvin Wong (Shred City Skates).
Kelvin Wong - Cave Crew Shodcast
The man behind Shredcityskates.com, NZ’s only skateshop dedicated to all things rollerblading & rollerskating is our fifth guest on the shodcast. Kelvin has done so much for the sport in recent years sponsoring events and bringing product to our shores that was unattainable for most before he was around all the while bringing the much needed hype to the NZ skating scene.
Kelvin also has some long history in the sport and we are interested in shedding some light on his skating origin story. We cant forget he’s a killer on skates as well and can spin both ways and can fakie 540 everything.
Previously: Cave Crew Shodcast with Slug Lord A.K.A Ryan Roulston (New Zealand, 2022).
Gib is a blader down here in New Zealand that has been holding it down for years. Skates both street and park like its nothing with his own unique style and trick selection. Filmed by all the homies with a special TVW clip in there and shoutout to gib’s sponsor Shred City Skates. Visit Shredcityskates.com.
Introducing Rose Crooks, Part owner of “Brunny Hardcore” and one of the best roller shredders in New Zealand.
Visit Brunnyhardcore.com | Shredcityskates.com.
Bayskate Blade Jam 2022, held on 22.1.2022, Napier, NZ. Everyone got to vote on their personal favourites.. Votes tallied up and thus, our winners. Till next year. More clips here: PLAY.
Best Trick: Carl Tangen.
Introducing our newest ambassador/ team member: Carl Tangen. Carl’s been shredding the NZ scene for a large number of years and hasn’t stopped. Welcome to the crew homie! - Shred City Skates (Youtube).
A featured-length New Zealand aggressive inline skating edit/ montage. Laced NZ & Shred City Skates came to create this edit of the New Zealand Rollerblading scene skating the Wellington region over 2 days. Alongside this edit, we released some limited edition clothing featured in this video.
Over 9 months in the making, filmed over 2 days, and put together beautifully and insanely fast by Kelvin Wong. A HUGE thank you to Kelvin for making this happen. Featuring: Sluglord, Carl Tangen, Brandon Drummond, Isaac Rolls, Kelvin Wong, Gibson Noema, Keri Rimene & Clarke Waihape. Editing & music by Kelvin Wong (Shred City Skates).
Our little bit on the new 50/50 Prime Frame. Tested then out with “Flat” and “Anti-rocker” setups. Some size comparisons with other frames. And, some skating…. guest featuring Thady Goonan.
Previously: Chris Farmer - Welcome to the 50/50 Team (August 2021).