Pro Results - Men

Pro Results - Women

More Results on Probowlcontest.fr (Roller Qualifications & Scooter Results). June 17-19, 2O22.
Pro Results - Men
Pro Results - Women
More Results on Probowlcontest.fr (Roller Qualifications & Scooter Results). June 17-19, 2O22.
Heading to the World Skate Games 2022 (WRG 2022), first chapter: presenting the Spanish team and the skaters who will attend the world championships.
Visit Fep.es | Real Federación Española de Patinaje.
U19 Women
U19 Men
Sara Vilella from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain and Janna Scheerlinks from Antwerp, Belgium. Filmed by Gaets Krop for Unlabelled Media. Song: Tinoma - Find You [NCS Release]. Visit Unlabelled-girls.com.
I initially began this edit for Unlabelled to show all the best clips I shot during my “carrer” of videomaker in the aggressive inline skating but I just felt like I could do something cool to thank all the people who inspired me. It doesn’t mean that everyone is in the video, far from it.
So please have the pleasure to watch a part of those who are part of my lifetime on this Earth. I truly believe that the best is yet to come, I could have called that edit the 2.09€ video but “Snippets of a Blading Life” seems more cinematic #bladeordie. - Gaets Krop.
Riders in order of appearance: Paquito Bartiaux, Jeremy Kesler, Antony Pottier, Stephane Mosselmans, Tais Colares, Stephane Alfano, Kayla Carmichael, Alex Nunes, Sacha Lopez, Nicolas Servy, Jeremy Melique, Gregory Defreyne, Rosie O’Donoghue, Xavi Eguino, Jeremy Suarez, Dexter, Gaets Krop, Precilia Verdier, Roman Abrate, Lisa Mary Authie, Amir Zemmour, Danny Guerrero, Sara Vilella, Oly Blanco, Emilia Parejo, Janna Scheerlinck, Mery Munoz, Annie Nole, Michel Prado, Laurent Dos Santos.
A lot of blading (aggressive inline skating, patins street, roller street, patinaje aggressivo) basically.
Bladies from different countries putting their skates together to give their best tricks for the world to see. Featuring: Mery Muñoz, Sara Vilella, Chihiro Asuma, Manon Derrien, Kaili Randmae, Tais Colares, Liene Nulle, Coralie Tan, Tisler Armelle, Eva Smejkalova, Lula Varela, Dannyela Guerrero, Jemma Douch, Aniek Kerkholfs, Rosie O´Donogue.
Music: Usumuna - Flèche Love.
Main Camera: Bgris Factory. Extra cameras: Martin Bommeli & Daniel Loft. Edition: Mery Muñoz. Color Grading: Bgris Factory.
Bladies TV is Mery Muñoz, profesional inline skater, high level athlete and Álvaro Pérez, graduate in audiovisual communication.