Displaying posts tagged #Results

NL Contest 2024 (Strasbourg, France) - One minute Recap (All Disciplines) + Results + More Media

Sat, May 25, 2024
NL Contest 2024 (Strasbourg, France) - One minute Recap (All Disciplines) + Results + More Media

Not even the rain could stop the 19th edition of the NL Contest: 35.000 visitors, 350 riders, 240 volunteers! Here is a one minute recap and results of the event. May 17-19, 2024 - Strasbourg, France.

NL Contest 2024 (Strasbourg, France) - One minute Recap (All Disciplines) + Results + More Media

Men Results

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Jaro Frijn
  3. Lauric Picard


  1. Ana Julia
  2. Mei Myoga
  3. Kaho Miyao

More Blading Clips

See you in 2025: May 23/24/25 in Strasbourg!

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FISE MONTPELLIER 2024 | Results & Videos Recap

Sun, May 12, 2024
FISE MONTPELLIER 2024 | Results & Videos Recap

Freestyle Park - PLAY: Best-of | Men Finals. Best-of, featuring Roman Abrate, Shimizu Haruri, Nicolas Servy, Lenny Jourda & Danilo Senna

FISE MONTPELLIER 2024 | Results & Videos Recap

Freestyle Park - World Cup Men: Results + Videos of the Runs

  1. Julien Cudot - PLAY
  2. Danilo Senna - PLAY.
  3. Lenny Jourda - PLAY.
  4. Takeshi Yasutoko
  5. Jaro Frijn
  6. Romain Godenaire
  7. Nicolas Servy
  8. Kim YoungWoong
  9. Shimizu Haruhi
  10. Roman Abrate
  11. Anthony Avella
  12. Xabier Mikel Ganuza

Freestyle Park - World Cup Women

  1. Silva Ana Julia
  2. Miyao Kaho
  3. Eneritz Quincoces
  4. Mei Myoga
  5. Carla Martin
  6. Emilia Parejo
  7. Carla Pasquinelli
  8. Armelle Tisler
  9. Mery Munoz
  10. Anaelle Nogueira
  11. Silva Maria Eduarda

Freestyle Park - AM, Men (Full Results)

  1. Peter Le Couls
  2. Alexandre Francois
  3. Alex Fernandez Jurada

Freestyle Park - AM, Women (Full Results)

  1. Lilou Fumery
  2. Anelim Arostegui Stet
  3. Lilo Verticcione

Freestyle Park - Junior (Full Results)

  1. Sacha Hebreard
  2. Elio Sala-Naessens
  3. Simon Mansencaut

Spine Ramp

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Danilo Senna
  3. Jaro Frijn
  4. Nicolas Servy
  5. Shimizu Haruhi
  6. Anthony Avella
  7. Yuma Baudoin
  8. Romain Godenaire
  9. Kim YoungWoong
  10. Diego Luppi
  11. Carla Martin
  12. Julien Lemoine

Rail Contest + ESA Street Contest - Winner: Julien Cudot. Photo: Fise.fr.

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Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage

Mon, May 6, 2024

Blading Cup Asia 2024 - May 3-5, 2024 - Jakarta, Indonesia.

Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage

Pro Results

  1. Worapoj Note Boonnim - Thailand
  2. Ilia Savosin - Russia
  3. Jeerasak Tassorn - Thailand

PRO Registered Competitors: Aarel Aqmal - Putra Heights, Malaysia | Afiq Mansor - Shah Alam, Malaysia | Dan Robinson - London, UK - Melbourne, Australia | Faris Mandura - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Gavin Drumm - Sydney, Australia | Ilia Savosin - Krasnoyarsk, Russia | Jeerasak Tassorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Josh Nielsen - Sydney, Australia | Junkyu - Seoul, Korea | Michael Müller - Wangen im Allgäu, Germany | Richie Eisler - Canada | Rob Kellett - Brisbane, Australia | Soichiro Kanashima - Okayama, Japan | Tim Franken - Belleville, New Jersey USA | Worapoj Boonim - Bangkok, Thailand.

Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage

Open Division

  1. Jun Shoha - Japan
  2. Aoi Iwama - Japan
  3. Martin Gade - Australia
Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage


  1. Chihiro Azuma - Japan
  2. Seoa Jang - Korea
  3. Shiono Hashimoto - Japan
Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage

17yo & Under

  1. Seoa Jung - Korea
  2. Esel Choi - Korea
  3. Shiono Hashimoto - Japan
Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage


  1. Jeerasak Tassorn - Thailand
  2. Scott Crawford - Australia
  3. Jon Julio - USA

Best Trick: Worapoj Bonnim - Thailand.

Coverage by Joe Stuart - Day 3 of competition - Pro Finals and Awards

Blading Cup Asia 2024 - Results + Day 3 Coverage

Day 3 Coverage by Koda Hult (17-) on Instagram.

OPEN DIVISION, Registered Competitors: Abdu Rizal - Jakarta, Indonesia | Adam Zur - Newcastle, Australia | Addis Tan - Singapore | Ahmad Ishak Ab Rahman - Klang, Malaysia | Ahmad Muzakkir - Singapore | Angelo Tan - Singapore | Aoi Iwama - Shizuoka, Japan | Aarel Aqmal - Putra Heights, Malaysia | Bahrumnuddin Haji jaili - Brunei, Begawan | Chaiatip Angsuthanin - Bangkok, Thailand | Cheuk Hei Tse - Hong Kong China | Daniel Shapi’ee - Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei | David R Rezkillah - Kota Pontianak, Indonesia | Dede Loxxlorr - Makassar, Indonesia | Doni saputra - Samarinda, Indonesia | Dyon Santoso - Bandung, Indonesia | Esel Choi - Seoul, Korea | FIKRI ANSYAH - Tasikmalaya, Indonesia | Florin Haiciu - Bucharest, Romania | Gilang Ramadhan - Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia | Harris fayzal Bin kamal - Singapore | Hayden Golder - Melbourne, Australia | Hazman Hj Hussin - Brunei | Hilman AR- Tasikmalaya, Indonesia | Ittitep Krawjuntuk - Mung Rayong, Thailand | Izzat Hanapi - Kuala Belait, Brunei | Janiel Eryaniz - Singapore | Jessy Suryanegara - Bandung, Indonesia | Johnny Yoon - Ansan, South Korea | Jun Shoha - Okayama, Japan | Kevin Lee - Seoul, Korea, Australia | Koda Hult - Detroit, MA. USA | Kurnianto Dwi W.U - Makassar, Indonesia | Martin Gade - Melbourne, Australia | Matt Caratelli - Melbourne, Australia | Md Azwandee Md Jali - Tutong, Brunei | Memen Mansor - Shah alam, Malaysia | Michael Pedersen - Krabi, Thailand | Michael Lashore - Pasadena, USA | Mikhail Grant - Singapore | MOCHAMMAD FEISAL - Garut, Indonesia | Muhammad Eqbal Maulana Fahriansyah - Tangerang, Indonesia | Murata Ryu - Kawasaki, Japan | M rizdwan nurdiansyah , Bandung, Indonesia | Nabil Ibrahim - Kuala Belait, Brunei Darussalam | Natthawat Prompuech - Ratchaburi, Thailand | Nazirul Hanapi - Belait, Brunei | Norachai Boonnim - Bangkok, Thailand | Okan Hendrawan - Bogor, Indonesia | Oolong Green - Taichung, Taiwan | Paul Kreutzer - Melbourne, Australia | Peerapat Pisalsan - Bangkok, Thailand | Rama Obhe - Makassar, Indonesia | Ren Iwama - Shizouka, Japan | Renato Oliveira - Sao Paulo, Brazil | Ricky Setiawan - Bandung, Indonesia | Ridwan putra - Bogor, Indonesia | Ryemie Rozlan - Singapore | Safari Rahman - Padang, Indonesia | Satria Kurniawan - Jakarta Timur, Indonesia | Simon Kelly - Melbourne, Australia | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Shue Ting Leung - Hong Kong, China | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | Suparjo Jusman - Makassar, Indonesia | Tan Kyns-Lee - Australia, Singapore | Tetsuto Hara - Azumino, Japan | Thanongsak Phansuwannakee - Pai, Thailand | Toby Williams - Phuket, Thailand / Singapore | Vicky Rifqiansyah - Bandung, Indonesia | Vitalii H. Lee - Seoul, Korea | Yi Chin Wu - Zhonghe, Taiwan | Zulfikar Zulkifli - Makasar, Indonesia | 17 & UNDER: Althaf Ramadhan - Tangerang, Indonesia | Athar Salazar - Bandung, Indonesia | Azrul Hail Azrul Hisyam - Petaling Jaya, Malaysia | Chloe Chua - Singapore | Esel Choi - Seoul, Korea | Evan Kai Darmajaya - Jakarta, Indoneisa | firas iftikhar - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | I Komang Hananibbana - Bali, Indonesia | Jevan Argana Dzubyan - Bandung, Indonesia | Jitpanu Kaewseekao - Bangkok, Thailand | Junseong Lee - Seoul, Korea | Keenan Fattah Yudistira - Jakarta, Indonesia | Muhammad Eqbal Maulana Fahriansyah - Tangerang, Indonesia | Panat Pandan - Rayong, Thailand | Pannapong Wongworapakon - Ratchaburi, Thailand | Prachaya Panyavuttivit - Bangkok, Thailand | Saranphat Kasinthorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Seoa Jang - Seoul, Korea | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | Sosuke Kobayashi - Shizuoka, Japan | Thammakhundanai Odklan - Wattana, Thailand | M. Iwan. Andrianto from Bali, Indonesia | Worraphob Sukhumvithaya - Bangkok, Thailand | Yi-Liang Liao - Taipei, Taiwan | Zhafran AgraDilshad - Depok, Indonesia | BLADIES: Chihiro Azuma - Okayama, Japan | Chloe Chua - Singapore | Kehara Faiha - East Jakarta, Indonesia | Kiara ashley meyori Sukamto - Kabupaten Bekasi, Indonesia | Kiswah lluthfia fatimah - Cileungsi, Indonesia | Meidy Setlight - East Jakarta, Indonesia | Niki Ingkarojrit - Bangkok, Thailand | Papada Rascharoen - Rayong, Thailand | Popy Sinta Yunita - Bekasi, Indonesia | Raisa Humaira Tabina Tampa - Sleman, Indonesia | Samirah Tahar - Singapore | Seoa Jang - Seoul, Korea | Shiono Hashimoto - Shizuoka, Japan | Sirada Nirapong- Bangkok, Thailand | VETERAN: Ahmad Affidzi Ab Ghafar - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Billy Xingo - Jakarta, Indonesia | CHEN CHUN AN - Tainan,Taiwan | Chien YenYu - Kaohsiung, Taiwan | Eugene Diniz - Lorena, Brazil | Fazuly Sudarmaji - Singapore | Rifky Rafly - Bekasi, Indonesia | Hazman Hj Hussin - Brunei | Hooi Wee Chong - Kota Kemuning, Malaysia | Hou Ching Hung - Tainan, Taiwan | IQBAL SETYA WAIRANEGARA - Samarinda, Indonesia | Jeerasak Tassorn - Bangkok, Thailand | Joe Stuart - Braybook, Australia | Jon Julio - Santa Ana, Ca. USA | Jon Ortiz - New York, NY. USA | M. Iwan Ardianto Bali - Indonesia | Muhammad Syafiq Tahar - Singapore | Nazirul Hanapi - Belait, Brunei | Richie Eisler - Canada | Scotty Crawford - Sydney, Australia | Shamsul Mohammad - Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei | Thanongsak Phansuwannakee - Pai Thailand. Photos: @ Bladingcup.

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Winterclash 2024 - Results & Livestreams Replay

Sun, Feb 25, 2024

Livestreams Replay - PLAY: Ricardo Lino (Official) + Blade Blog (Russian language).

Winterclash 2024 - Results & Livestreams Replay

Pro Men Results

  1. Nils Jansons
  2. Julien Cudot
  3. Danilo Senna
  4. Robert Spassov
  5. Jaro Frijn
  6. David Sizemore
  7. Krystian Zarzeczny
  8. Dominic Bruce
  9. Roman Abrate
  10. Levi van Rijn
  11. Martin Danning
  12. Eugen Enin
  13. Joe Atkinsson

Pro Women

  1. Mery Muñoz
  2. Misaki Katayama
  3. Javiera Garrido
  4. Chihiro Azuma
  5. Carla Martin
  6. Aniek Kerkhofs
  7. Armelle Tisler
  8. Nuria López
  9. Lilou Fumery

Amateur Women

  1. Ana Julia da Silva
  2. Kate Bedrata
  3. Laura Santos
  4. Julia Komenda
  5. Matilde Fiorin
  6. Veronica Bonaiti
  7. Pauline Dubreuil
  8. Maria Eduarda da Silva

Amateur Men

  1. Leonardo Cardoso
  2. Noboru Katayama
  3. Gilles Buelens
  4. Francesco Fama
  5. Lenny Jourda
  6. Lucas Landthaler
  7. Xabier Mikel Ganuza Sánchez
  8. Liam Gratwohl
  9. Michael Müller
  10. Leo Fumery
  11. Victor Medrano
  12. Niko Salaman
  13. Gino Dangers
  14. Valters Grasmanis
  15. Krzysztof Starzewski
  16. Fabian Mathie

Junior Women

  1. Amelie Maria Pogaceanu
  2. Katarzyna Kaminiorz
  3. Eva Klomp
  4. Marie Rothkamm

Junior Men

  1. Haruhi Shimizu
  2. Jun Shoha
  3. Michal Pietrzak
  4. Filip Hudziak
  5. Nolan van Ophoven
  6. Adam Trzeciak
  7. Leonardo Rodrigues Araujo
  8. Yuto Akiyama
  9. Thorben Schoen

More Awards

  • Faction Best Trick Award: Joe Atkinsons
  • Emoves Best Grind Award: Gilles Buelens
  • Blank Best Line Award: Bobi Spassov
  • Dead Wheels Most Creative Trick Award: Levi Van Rijn
  • Hestialiving Best Sign Award: The Judges Sign
  • This is Soul Best Setup Award: Bjoern Ox

More Photos of the Podiums on Winterclash.com.

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La Street Republique 2023 - Belgium Edition - Blading Comp, with Julien Cudot, Diako Diaby, Frederic Bukowski & more! - Edit by Kevin Ciman

Mon, Jan 1, 2024
La Street Republique 2023 - Belgium Edition - Blading Comp, with Julien Cudot, Diako Diaby, Frederic Bukowski & more! - Edit by Kevin Ciman

5th edition of the Street Republique Contest – Belgium Edition (Liège) - Girls & Men Competition. Featuring: Julien Cudot, Antony Pottier, Frederic Bukowski, Diako Diaby, Arnaud Gillet, Pierre Saporta, Armelle Tisler, Carla Pasquinelli pasquinelli and more! Filmed & edited by Kevin Ciman.

La Street Republique 2023 - Belgium Edition - Blading Comp, with Julien Cudot, Diako Diaby, Frederic Bukowski & more! - Edit by Kevin Ciman

After a year’s break, here is the coming back of the Street Republique event, 5th edition, relocated to Battice, near Liège in Belgium. The park features a brand-new spot, the DIY Snakepark.

The DIY Snakepark was born in 2022 on the site of a former SNCB station. Antony Pottier, and the local riders’ collective in Herve began building a new riding area. It now features spots that would never have been imaginable to ride. The @snakeparkdiy features rails that turn, go up and down, a chain, slide bars on springs… Super-fun kinks and curves on rails, each as surprising as the next one. But the park isn’t even finished yet! For the contest, we’re building 3 new spots that will be used to chose the best rider on the day. We’re more than sure that the spot will allow you to express your creativity to the fullest. More Photos on Lastreetrepublique.fr.

La Street Republique 2023 - Belgium Edition - Blading Comp, with Julien Cudot, Diako Diaby, Frederic Bukowski & more! - Edit by Kevin Ciman

Men Results

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Diako Diaby
  3. Frederic Bukowski
La Street Republique 2023 - Belgium Edition - Blading Comp, with Julien Cudot, Diako Diaby, Frederic Bukowski & more! - Edit by Kevin Ciman


  1. Armelle Tisler
  2. Carla Pasquinelli
  3. Aniek Kerkhofs

Visit LaStreetRepublique.fr. Photos: Eric Müller (Eric-muller-photographie.be).

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Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Tue, Nov 14, 2023

Carriers Open - November 11, 2023. Frisco, Texas.

Wow. Where do I start? Fritz Peitzner, Carriers, the city of Frisco did such a great job putting on this event. The turn out was really massive. The park is really spread out, but even with that in mind you can tell the numbers were huge. I want to write in depth about the event, give you every detail, etc… But I’m going to leave that to whoever is handling the legit edit. This is the non-legit edit. This is the Jumbo experience… So here’s how it went from our perspective.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

I’ve never ran a booth before… Hell, I didn’t even know this was going to be a company when I started it. It’s a joke that’s gotten really, really out of hand. I love it. I didn’t think about this beforehand, but running a booth, a side event, trying to skate a little AND film an edit of the experience is… A lot. Almost too much, but I still managed. Thank god for the crew helping me hold it down.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Bcam basically covered the booth and sales the whole time, Gogo and Aaron helping me film. Heath, Ant and Caleb helping me facilitate our mystery event… Oh my god, I can’t believe they let us do the mystery event, hahaha. Jumbo World Tournament. It was so stupid. No one had a clue, not even the people running the contest. I’m not sure how people actually felt about it. I can’t really remember much of it, because I was so focused on announcing. I edited the footage, but I do it all so quickly I haven’t taken the time to really grasp the crowd reaction yet… But if you ask me? I laugh every time. I laugh just thinking about it. That’s really all I want to do, just have a good time.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

If we’re ever allowed to do another mystery event, it might be more focused towards skating… But I love the slapstick, pie-in-the-face, loony toons nature of it all. Without ranting for too long (because I’m sure maybe only 10 people read these descriptions anyway), I think everything about the event was a success. I love my friends. I love the rollerblading scene. I especially love EVERYONE that came by the booth and said what up. For real, I say it every time and I mean it… I’m shocked that people care. I care so much about skating and about us as a community, it’s just really great to know that there are people out there that I can resonate with. Thank you to everyone that came out, that shows love, that watches this… This is the best. Jumbo forever. - Cody Sanders.

Jumbo @ Carriers Open 2023 (Frisco, Texas) + Results

Pro Results

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Chad Hornish
  3. Jeff Dalnas
  4. Joe Atkinson
  5. Jarrod Banning


  1. Tais Colares
  2. Aarin Gates
  3. Emilia Parejo
  4. Becci Sotelo
  5. Korina Calderon


  1. Muneeb Akhtar
  2. Jacques Orrenstein
  3. Roman Zygmont
  4. Astrid Garcia
  5. Olivia Hallum


  1. Mario Pacia
  2. Jose Arce
  3. Scott Wells
  4. Justin Jones
  5. Caleb Benavides


  1. KV
  2. Kia Hawkins
  3. Holly Lash
  4. Missy Swain
  5. Nina Hallum

Best Trick: Joe Atkinson. Photo.

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ESA 2023 (Montpellier, France) - Official Edit & Results

Thu, Oct 26, 2023
ESA 2023 (Montpellier, France) - Official Edit & Results

17th edition of the ESA (Evolution Street Attack - May 20, 2023 - Montpellier, France) by Arcena - Official Edit.

ESA 2023 (Montpellier, France) - Official Edit & Results


  1. Victor Daum.
  2. Julien Cudot.
  3. Nicolas Auroux.

Best Newcomer: Elio.

ESA 2023 (Montpellier, France) - Official Edit & Results

Up: Flyer of this past event (May 20, 2023) - Montpellier, France. Photo: Al Sticking. Skater: Richard Jose Vazquez, winner of the ESA 2022.

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FM Invitational 4: Finals Clips & Full Results - Franky Morales Invitational 4

Sun, Oct 8, 2023
FM Invitational 4: Finals Clips & Full Results - Franky Morales Invitational 4

“The semi finals were skipped and the competition went straight to the finals due to time constraints. The top pros battle it out. Julien Cudot, Montre Livingston, Jimmy Cisz, Eric the Shred, Air Damon, Andrew Broom and more. - Weekend Pirate Too.

FM Invitational 4: Finals Clips & Full Results - Franky Morales Invitational 4

Check another angle for Julien Cudot’s last trick on Instagram.

Men Results

  1. Julien Cudot
  2. Montre Livingston
  3. Korey Waikiki


  1. Mery Munoz
  2. Martina Svobodova
  3. Emilia Parejo


  1. Montre Livingston
  2. Kawaii Versace
  3. Marie Qiona

Photos: Julien Cudot

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USD @ Abriss Berlin 2023, with Eugen Enin, Michael Müller & Bastian Thüring

Mon, Sep 25, 2023
USD @ Abriss Berlin 2023, with Eugen Enin, Michael Müller & Bastian Thüring

Congrats to Eugen Enin for winning this year’s Abriss (Berlin, Germany)! Skating by Eugen Enin, Michael Müller & Bastian Thüring. Filmed and edited by Daniel Enin.

USD @ Abriss Berlin 2023, with Eugen Enin, Michael Müller & Bastian Thüring
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Mimo Day - 2nd edition (2023) - Rollerblading Contest in Barcelona, Spain - Watermelon Roll Crew Edit

Sat, Aug 26, 2023
Mimo Day - 2nd edition (2023) - Rollerblading Contest in Barcelona, Spain - Watermelon Roll Crew Edit

2nd edition of the Aggressive Skating event organized at Mimó Trashpark on June 11, 2023 in Barcelona. Many thanks to all the competitors, to the sponsors who helped make this possible, and to the 90 or so people who turned out throughout the day to share it with us. Next year we repeat!

Mimo Day - 2nd edition (2023) - Rollerblading Contest in Barcelona, Spain - Watermelon Roll Crew Edit

Men Results

  1. Xavi Eguino
  2. Sacha Lopez
  3. Ton Neves


  1. Mery Munoz
  2. Carla Martin
  3. Charlotte Citérin


  • Static p-rail tricks: Sacha Lopez
  • Most switch-ups: Raul Quiles
  • Best trick: Mery Munoz & Ton Neves
  • Last man standing: El Pau & Noa Santos
  • BLADE: El Pau

Photos: @Mimotrashpark.

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Click-n-Roll Click-n-Roll

Rollerblading Gems

Dynovfr4k - A Full Length Street Video (2022-2025) with Steve Iacono, Nick Dadchuk & Friends

Chad Tannehill - Right Now - An Intuition Video by Bryant Kornbau

Cranks Warsaw - Not a Banger (2024) + Daniel Jurzyna, Mini Secret Part


Jens Küfner (Germany) - Fancy Maneuvers (2024)

Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (Main street section)

Sacha Miguel López - Cesslife Vol. 2 (2024)

La Rue - Poésie (France) by Stan Kogutyak

Brian Aragon (Denver, CO) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP2 - Documentary

Julien Cudot / Diego Guilloud - (C)hômage

Jan Gašparič in Ptuj, Slovenia (2024) - Street Edit

A Good Harvest (2024) - A Minnesota Blading Flick, by Falcon Gott

OG (more)

Franky Morales (Miami, Florida) - Bridges, by Brian Freeman - S1EP1 - Documentary

Mike French - Back Like I Never Left

Vince Camarillo Section - Bay Area - JSF Edit


Big Wheels (more)

Tallboyz - OPS2 - Big Wheel Blading Edit

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |