Dave Hill and Robert Antaki in Portland, Oregon skating in Sleuth Pants @ New Year’s sessions (January 1st, 2025).
Dave Hill and Robert Antaki in Portland, Oregon skating in Sleuth Pants @ New Year’s sessions (January 1st, 2025).
Graeme Wilson filmed for this section from the age of 24 to 28 and had the opportunity to skate in a number of different cities across the country; from Portland, OR to Boone, NC.
Graeme would like to thank Inline Warehouse for the 6 years of support since 2012 as well as Razors for giving him an opportunity to ride Flow for them. A lot of what you see in this section wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for those companies.
Last Try: Part 2 is a video that references our historical inability to stop trying something even after we said we were done (watch our video “Last Try” to fully appreciate the joke, you peasant). This is a video that took five years to come together from May 2012 to November 2017 and that time frame was due to regular schedule conflicts, people quitting blading, aging bodies, and just general growing up.
But with all of the obstacles, it was still finished and now you get to witness it. Be nice. Last Try: Part 2 premiered at the Kenworthy Theater in Moscow, ID on January 24th, 2018.
Music: “Holiday” by Jet.
Haunted Wheel Co presents VXPDX, a digital download available at Payhip.com. Featuring Dustin Jamieson, Stephen Durasa, David Wittman, Stephen Babcock, Ivan Gwynn, Brad Oz And Portland Homies. Filmed completely in Portland, Oregon on a VX by Ivan Gwynn and Brad Oz.
Mark Vanderboegh is the former owner of Six Won Six (SWS) and Integrated Distribution and has been involved The Cause, Night Hardware, Powerslide, and ASA. Mark talks about Woodward, the X-Games, Skiing, and a whole lot more.
Podcast on Libsyn: Part 1 | Part 2
The Blade Rats: Portland, Oregon rollerblading podcast narrated through the voices and sounds of the Pacific Northwest. Brad Oz, co-owner of Haunted Wheel Co hosts the podcast with friends: David Wittman, Eric Thompson, and Greg Tuthill. Available on Libsyn & Itunes.
Haunted Wheel Co. presents: VXPDX. A digital download available soon. Filmed completely in Portland, Oregon on a VX by Ivan Gwynn And Brad Oz.
Featuring Dustin Jamieson, Stephen Durasa, David Wittman, Stephen Babcock, Ivan Gwynn, Brad Oz & Portland homies.
Visit Hauntedwheels.com.
Mark Vanderboegh is the former owner of Six Won Six (SWS) and Integrated Distribution and has been involved The Cause, Night Hardware, Powerslide, and ASA. Mark talks about Woodward, the X-Games, Skiing, and a whole lot more.
The Blade Rats: Portland, Oregon rollerblading podcast narrated through the voices and sounds of the Pacific Northwest. Brad Oz, co-owner of Haunted Wheel Co hosts the podcast with friends: David Wittman, Eric Thompson, and Greg Tuthill. Available on Libsyn & Itunes.
Shane Mcclay, Stephan Babcock and Eric Thompson having fun downtown loitering in Portland Oregon on Razors skates.
Previously: Last Year’s bin - by Michael Garlinghouse (2017) with Shane Mcclay, Michael Garlinghouse, John Haynes, Kenji kai yee, Mike Luftholm, Blake Cohen & Jimmy Hake.
Don Bambrick is one of the most well known blading legends in the Midwest. Don talks about his recent hand injury, becoming a father, Detroit rollerblading, Midwest contests, alcohol, eating healthy, and the Vibralux VOD. Podcast on Libsyn | Itunes.
The Blade Rats: Portland, Oregon rollerblading podcast narrated through the voices and sounds of the Pacific Northwest. Brad Oz, co-owner of Haunted Wheel Co hosts the podcast with friends: David Wittman, Eric Thompson, and Greg Tuthill. Available on Libsyn & Itunes.