This summer Aniek Kerkhofs went to Munich, Germany, to do some street skating. Filmed by: Harry Can. Edited by: Niko Salaman. Song: Bleached - Next Stop.
This summer Aniek Kerkhofs went to Munich, Germany, to do some street skating. Filmed by: Harry Can. Edited by: Niko Salaman. Song: Bleached - Next Stop.
Juice is everything. Juice is the ultimate form of motivation that lacks all effort or trying. It’s the urban sports wording for a state of flow or rather the energy allowing such a state to exist. At its highest level its providing full focus without force. Providing vision and awareness with a full connection to the present moment allowing no distractions. Being “juiced” allows movements to become increasingly easy and fun as there is full control with complete awareness. Things happen effortlessly, feel better and less dangerous. It brings more laughter, less stress & more energy.
Doing what you love with friends is one of the best ways to find access to this flow of energy. As everything it obviously is not always fully present but comes in waves. There is ups and downs and of course sometimes we have to overcome stressful moments for a great relief. A positive outlook is a helpful strategy. Even in the face of someone trying to get in the way without reason :) Always stay kind and respectful. Juice is the reason for all of our trips and projects. The resulting video is an indirect consequence of this, a bonus so to speak, but don’t mistake it for the goal itself.
This video was shot in Munich (Germany) during 6 long days in october ‘23, the week leading to Ulm City Blade Jam where we premiered it exactly one year later. The trip itself is a brainchild of Harry & Michi while the video is directed & edited by Jo. Featuring: (in order of appearance) Jo Zenk, Michael Muller & Harry Can. Photography: Sebastian Hofer.
Michael Muller used every opportunity last year to get this video finished. Most of the video was filmed in the streets of Munich (Germany). Many thanks to Harry Can, without whom this would not have been possible. Also thanks to Rafael Matos for filming.
The ISPO just finished and Ivo Vegter & Erik Droogh (Thisissoul) spoke to all the inline skate manufacturers that were there to get the latest updates on what is going on in the Inline Skate world.
The skates featured in the pictures are the Cougar Skates, Storm Model Prototypes (check the video at 5:10).
ISPO Munich (Germany) is the largest trade fair for the sports industry, featuring the latest trends and innovations in sports products, services and technologies.
Cougar Skates - Storm, Aggressive Inline Skates
Cougar Skates is a Chinese brand, planning to released an aggressive skate called the Storm. Visit Cougarskates.com.
Check the 5:10 mark on the video to hear more about the Cougar Skates, and the Storm model.
“Last summer I went to visit Harry Can in Munich (Germany) and we decided to make a street edit! It was very sunny and we visited some of the cool spots there. It was a lot of fun seeing Munich on wheels. We filmed this edit in 4 days and I am very happy with the result! Keep pushing forward. Thanks a lot Harry for filming and editing this, and enduring my beautiful singing”! - Aniek Kerkhofs.
Previously: Aniek Kerkhofs - 2021 Street Profile.
Jon Fromm took some time off work to go visit Munich, Vienna, and Amsterdam. While there he got to meet the homies Harry Can, Michael Witzemann, Pieter and Olga (from Adapt Brand), and Pascal Tan for some sessions. Thanks again to everyone for all the amazing hospitality.
Filming: Ryan Buck Strauss / Michael Witzemann / Harry Can. Editing: Jon Fromm. Song: Aseri - Banana Clip.
Previously: Jon Fromm - Decked Out (2022) - Adapt Street Edit.