Produced by Shawn Engler and Charles Dunkle. Featuring Trace Taylor, Brandon Frost, Micah Yeager, and Charles Dunkle.
Direct access to the sections - PLAY:
Intro |
Trace Taylor & Brandon Frost |
Micah Yeager |
Montage |
Charles Dunkle +
About the leftovers part (quoting Justin Berry): “Some clips that didn’t (and a few that did) make the cut for Rejects 7. A clip or two from Rejects 6 as well. Skating from: Brandon Frost, Matty Schrock, Daniel Pope, Jeremy Butler, Raven Guerra (THE DUDE), Trent Stone, Chris Lawson, Jon Allinson, Bon Allinson, and Brett Kerkhof”.
- Intro: Danzig Lyrics - Twist of Cain
- Micah Yeager: The Ramones - Now I Want to Sniff Some Glue
- Montage 1: Chris Isaak - Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing
- Charles Dunkle: Cock Sparrer - Runnin’ Riot
- Leftovers: Misfits - Die Die My Darling
Video courtesy of Bladervet, check his awesome Youtube channel for more goodies.
Iconic Skate Spot: the legendary double set at San Dieguito Academy. Featuring: Bryan Bell, Chris Haffey, Ranier Piramide, BJ Bernhardt, Aaron Feinberg, Shayne Skowers, Charles Dunkle, Carlos Pianowski, Boschi Pope, Oli Short, Jeff Stockwell, Aaron Dizon, Nick Wood, Frazer Watson, Connor O’Brien, Dominic Sagona, Jon Elliott, Santiago Azpurua, Eric Perkett, Brian Shima & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
Flashback: David Sizemore, Radius Media Issue 3 (circa 2007). Produced by Charles Dunkle and Shawn Engler.
Music: Roky Erickson and The Aliens – Night Of The Vampire.
David Sizemore is an amazing skater. This section definitely backs that statement up. David has been living in Georgia for quite some time now but before that he lived in Orlando, FL. He has been shredding for years and it doesn’t look like hes slowing down anytime soon. Expect to see more and more hammers from him as long as you’re alive. - Southern Legacy (2010).
Featuring: Chris Haffey, Charles Dunkle, Trace Taylor, Marc Senn, Roadhouse, Jeff Stockwell, Daniel Pope, Cory Casey, Beau Hale, Sayer Danforth, Brandon Frost, Brian Shima, Dustin Halleran, Garret Slobey, Walk Austin, Tim Taylor, Rob Thompson, Nick Wood, Jeromy Morris, Brandon Mateer, Julian Bah, Benny Harmanous, Jon Elliot, Kurt Newman, Murda and more! Produced by: Shawn Engler and Charles Dunkle.
21 days with Chris Haffey at 13:00 (play on Youtube).
Soundtrack (courtesy of Rollingvideos).
- Montage 1: Bad Company - Bad Company.
- Montage 2: Gary Jules - Mad World.
- Jeff Stockwell: Pink Floyd - Happiest Days of Our Lives.
- Roadhouse: Unknown.
- Chris Haffey: Marilyn Manson - The Nobodies.
- Noir Trailer: The Faint - Cars pass in cold blood.
- Montage 3: Anti Flag - Angry young and poor.
- Credits: The Who - Who are you.