World’s Best Rollerbladers. A Braille video with Montre Livingston, Air Dolphin & Jimbo Hawkins.
Don’t miss the street clips at the end of the video!

World’s Best Rollerbladers. A Braille video with Montre Livingston, Air Dolphin & Jimbo Hawkins.
Don’t miss the street clips at the end of the video!
Huge thanks to Rob Scallon for teaching us how to do this amazing trick on rollerblades. We love these types of collaborations. Anything on wheels is our jam. Who do you want to see us collaborate with next? - Braille Skateboarding (Youtube).
The legend himself Rob Scallon (Youtube) takes on our very own Vert Ramp! For those of you wondering, yes… This is the most ambitious crossover since Avengers Endgame! Rob is one of the raddest dudes and seeing him crush our vert ramp on his blades was an absolute honor! I hope you all are ready because we got some epic content with Rob Scallon coming your way very soon! - Brailleskateboarding.world.
Update (14 dec, 2021): Braille released another video: “Skater Vs Rollerblader Ft Rob Scallon” - PLAY.