Keizoku, a Versclub Film starring Shintaro Nakayama.

“I started inline skating when I was 10 years old, and last year marked my 30th year. 2023 has been a year in which I have been able to tour not only Tokyo but also Athens and Hamburg, meeting various people and places, and getting a lot of inspiration. First of all, I would like you to watch the trailer”. - Shintaro Nakayama.
Trailer also featuring: Karsten Boysen, Jo Zenk, Zachary Pollak, Ichi, Kazuya Ito, Yuto Akiyama, Nobi, Christian Closs, Tomasz Fajst, Tomohisa Hayakawa, Hideki Kawai, Makoto Kobayashi, Kenji Nakamori & more.
インラインスケートを10歳から始め去年で30年目 2023年は東京はもちろんアテネやハンブルクをツアーして色々な人達や場所に行き良い刺激をもらった年になった。まずは、トレーラーから観ていただきたい。