Filmed & edited by Angel Zorraquino. Additional filming by Iván Aliaga, Mateo Bueso & Joni Prados. Music: Israel B. - Shooters (Prod. Lowligth).
Previously: Secta (2023, Spain) - A Video by Ferran Laparra - Furtius VLC.

Filmed & edited by Angel Zorraquino. Additional filming by Iván Aliaga, Mateo Bueso & Joni Prados. Music: Israel B. - Shooters (Prod. Lowligth).
Previously: Secta (2023, Spain) - A Video by Ferran Laparra - Furtius VLC.
Furtius presents “Secta”, a film by Ferran Laparra. Starring: Alex Cebrian, Carles Durich, Ferran Laparra, Ivan Aliaga, Teles Angel & Mateo Bueso.
More promo pictures in this Instagram thread.
More goodies on the Furtius Valencia, Youtube Page.
FERRO is the latest Doblevdoble project, directed by We Are Hype Agency and based on the Cadizfornia tour. Riders: Joni Prados, Alex Cebrian, Carlos Bernal, Mateo Bueso, Alain Rodriguez, Carlos Campillo & Antonio Frias.
Produced by Segis Cantó. Directed by We Are Hype Agency. Recording by Angel Zorraquino and Teles Angel. Editing & Color grading by Angel Zorraquino.
Portourgal by Paco Rey. Featuring the VLC Crew.
VLC Crew, touring Portugal in 2016. Featuring: Teles Angel, Carles Rurich, Ivan Iliaga, Angel Zorraquino, Jesus Caravaca, Alex Cebrian, Ferran Laparra, Juan Velasco, David Serrano, Paco Rey & more.
Here are some clips of Portourgal by Paco Rey, expect a longer version, soon. Featuring: Teles Angel, Carles Rurich, Ivan Iliaga, Angel Zorraquino, Jesus Caravaca, Alex Cebrian, Ferran Laparra, Juan Velasco, David Serrano, Paco Rey & more.