Leominster (Massachusetts), january 2023 session with John O’Donnell, Juise, Jill, Ian Hutchinson, Eric Thompson, Eric Woods, Tom Ferrrante, & LosGoldenBlader. Visit Okboston.blogspot.com.
Leominster (Massachusetts), january 2023 session with John O’Donnell, Juise, Jill, Ian Hutchinson, Eric Thompson, Eric Woods, Tom Ferrrante, & LosGoldenBlader. Visit Okboston.blogspot.com.
Starring: John O’Donnell, Juise, Ian Orbinson, Remo, Eric Woods, Taylor Nelson. Co-starring: Jeremy Spira, Alex Hogan, Ryan Cee, Lukas Burgunder, Hakeem Jimoh, Jay O’neill, Eric Thompson, Mike Koliner, Ben Zerfoss / Phil Gripper, Billy, Tyler Emond, Kevin Borth, Travis R, Jeff Dalnas, Brent Trinidad, Timothy, Jeyden, Lex, Ryan Strout. Main Cameras: Juise, Ian Orbinson, Eric Woods. Additional Filming: Hector Sanchez DNKG Filmz, Taylor Nelson, Alex Hogan, Brent Trinidad, Dave Gunn, Andrew Leverton. Editing by: Juise.
OKAY 3 (Official Trailer) 2022. Featuring: Juise, John O’Donnell, Phil Gripper, Taylor Nelson, Eric Woods, Jeremy Spira, Ryan Cee, Hakeem Jimoh, Eric Thompson, Tyler Emond, Jeff Dalnas, Kevin Borth, Ryan Strout, Timothy, Brent Trinidad, Lex, Remo, Ian Orbinson, Ben Zerfoss & more!
Okay 3 (Boston) - Official Trailer (2022).
Okay 3 Leftovers/ Bloopers featuring: Ben Zerfoss, Eric Woods, Eric Thompson, Dylan, Ian Orbinson, Jared Cahill, Jay O’neill, John O’Donnell, Juise, Kevin Borth, Remo DiTullio, Ryan Cee, Ryan Strout, Taylor Nelson, Tyler Emond & more.
Okay 3 (Boston, 2022) - Full Video - an Okboston Video by Juisemoney.
Juise - DealwithitSF Pro Wheel 59mm/90a Promo - Street Edit 2022. Filmed by: Ian Orbinson, Taylor Nelson, Tyler & B Ford. Wheels available on Dealwithitsf.bigcartel.com.
Previously: Okay 2 - a new rollerblading film documenting Boston, MA & surrounding cities. Starring: Remo DiTullio, Juise, Ian Orbinson, Jeremy Raff, Eric Woods, & Taylor Nelson.