Brian Shima’s birthday at Woodward West - Therapeutic Blading. - Miguel Ramos.
Miguel Ramos at Woodward West (2017). “Shot this a few months back, what better time to drop it. The world needs more people like big bro!” - Erick Rodriguez.
You can support Erick Rodriguez by purchasing BladerRico on Sellfy ($15).
Miguel Ramos and I always filmed together but never released any of our videos. Enjoy this Mini ramp short filmed at Woodward West. - Richie Velasquez.
June 22, 2017: Katie Ketchum currently acrobat at the Cirque du Soleil (Cirquedusoleil.com) ripped Woodward West apart. Miguel Ramos not only witnessed the facts but bring clips of that special day. Enjoy!
It was Jon Julio’s 40th Bday. This man has done so much in his life. Rollerblading would not be what it is today without him. Love this guy. been a fan since ‘97. – Shoes With Wheels.
Music: DKVPZ – Ai Caralho, Ryan Swing – Gigapatch.
Filming by Lukas Sladek & Martin Krutina. Additional filming by Matei Lache, William Cryer, Dominik Smecensky, Ondrej Hlava, Dan Murtiger, Hanys Chalupsky, Ondrej Hodik & Peter Legnavsky. Editing by Peter Legnavsky.
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