Dustin Werbeski’s profile in The Xsjado Video by Paul John.
Congratulations to Daniel Prell for winning the Pro Contest. Yuma Baudoin is getting 1st place in AM. Full results below.
Judges: Freddy White, Mourad Leuchi & Jojo Jacobi.
Thanks RoflRocket.
Xsjado Mook 1.8, detailed pictures. Thanks Mushroom!
Xsjado Clothes featured on Snowboarders and Freestyle Skiers.
Salomon hosted a sale on Venteprivee.com, a french retailer company. They featured private sales, displaying Xsjado Hoodies and used the Willow T-Shirt to dress his models ;)
Thanks briandu92.
Xsjado is on his way to release new goodies: a white mook and a new pair of shoe. Source: Skaters.ru