Made a short edit of my little bro Anthony Yepiz today at Hawthorne (CA). been knowin this kid since he was like 10 on rollerblades, still killing shit. hopefully we see more of him soon. - Jeremy Soderburg.
Made a short edit of my little bro Anthony Yepiz today at Hawthorne (CA). been knowin this kid since he was like 10 on rollerblades, still killing shit. hopefully we see more of him soon. - Jeremy Soderburg.
“four.” Directed by Lonnie F. Gallegos. Feeturing: Chris Farmer, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Robert Guerrero, Brian Weis, Chris Calkins, Kruise Sapstein, Jeremy Soderburg, Joey Lunger and more!
Available on Sellfy ($25+)
7th annual Blading Cup. East End Downtown, Santa Ana, California. Visit Bladingcup.com.
The Blading Cup 2017 - Results
Under 18
Photo: Intuition Skateshop.
The Blading Cup – Time Machine
feet 4. feeturing: Chris Farmer, Robert Guerrero, Michael Obedoza, Tim Franken, Kruise Sapstein, Brian Weis, Jeremy Soderburg, Chris Calkins, Joey Lunger.
Antony Pottier skating at Woodward in California, one of the biggest skatepark in the world. - Nomadeshop.
Previously: Antony Pottier - Flat Frame Promo (2017).