With Chris Haffey, Roman Abrate, Dave Lang, Wake Schepman & Cj Wellsmore.
Nitro World Games 2016 in Salt Lake City (Utah).

With Chris Haffey, Roman Abrate, Dave Lang, Wake Schepman & Cj Wellsmore.
Nitro World Games 2016 in Salt Lake City (Utah).
I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to ride the Nitro Circus mega ramp when it was in Sydney last week on there Australian Tour. So i finished up after a full days work and headed out to the olympic park. It was definitely up there with the most incredible experiences of my life! Especially cause there is no pulling out once you drop in on the gigantic Roll before hitting the 50ft gap. ;) Good times! - Cj Wellsmore.
Video on Youtube: PLAY
Photos: EZ Goezy & Anthonyfinocchiaro.tumblr.com.
“Just my luck, on the dawn of (what would have been) my first pro skate, I find out that Shima Skate Manufaturing has gone out of business. Oh well, here is what it would have looked like…” - Dave Lang (Photo).
Arrows edit by Pascal Morasse-Raymond. Extra footage by Anthony Finocchiaro.
Featuring CJ Wellsmore, Antony Pottier, Pierre Lelievre, Manon Derrien, Anthony Finocchiaro & Pascal Morasse-Raymond.