The Netherlands, 2017. With Frank Knop, Robin Bosgra, Wim Geurink & Wouter Schokkin.
Arnhem by night. Featuring: Wim Geurink, Ivo Janssen, Frank Knop, Remco Vd Pol, Wouter Schokkin & Robin Bosgra.
Two chilled sessions in Utrecht with Davie Nijenbrink & Wisse Ankersmit. Filmed by: Davie Nijenbrink, Stefan Selders & Wisse Ankersmit, edited by Wisse Ankersmit.
Music: Mezzoforte - Drive.
Oldie but goldie! Rik van Huik killing the streets of Berlin, Bordeaux, Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, Utrecht and Katwijk. Filmed by Pieter Wijnant, Thijs Tel, Levi van Rijn and Olga Bouwhuis.
August 25, 2017: Rik van Huik is currently in the hospital in Paris after some bad luck during filming for the new Adapt video.
Even tough he will not be able to get more clips this year, the hammers he did so far are all enders and will make an unforgettable section none the less. - Adapt.
“Second trick of the first Cityhopper tour back in 2011. This one was shot in my hometown at the St. Jans Cathedral.” - Sven Boekhorst. Photo by Niels Groenendijk (Nielsgroenendijk.com). Larger Picture on Imgur (via).
Bonus: CityHopper Retrospective (click to PLAY)