Larger Picture on Flickr. Via the RN Flickr Photo Pool.
Larger Picture on Flickr. Via the RN Flickr Photo Pool.
Antony Pottier, first place at the Lausanne Urban Festival 2017 in Switzerland. Antony also won the best trick contest, congrats!
Larger Picture on Imgur.
Photo: Sebastien Audige (Votrevieenmouvements.fr).
If you’re interested by some coverage of the Lausanne Urban Festival 2017, you can check this Youtube video by Martin Bommeli (PLAY), blading at 3:44, Antony Pottier’s run at 9:10.
Featuring Alexander Linde, Dick Heerkens, Randy Abels, Deveril Abels, Remco van de Pol, Sven Boekhorst, Remy Cadier, Donny Straube, Roel Verhoeven.
Music: James Brown - “Try Me”, Night Beats - “Hex”, Bones - “Protein”.
Larger Picture on Flickr (via the RN Flickr Photo Pool).
Ton Neves - True Spin Makio. A photo by Felipe Zambardino. Welcome to the Trigger Team Ton!