Showcasing only a portion of the Dallas rollerblading scene. Additional filming by Jason Reyna and John Sullivan. More to come soon. Keep it Rolling!
Song: Mystic Braves - Hanging Round.
Showcasing only a portion of the Dallas rollerblading scene. Additional filming by Jason Reyna and John Sullivan. More to come soon. Keep it Rolling!
Song: Mystic Braves - Hanging Round.
Brady Creek Johnston with some clips from a few sessions. He is my favorite person to blade with and you can see why in his blading. - Troy Maimone.
Filming: Troy Maimone, John Sullivan & Jason Reyna. Edit by: Troy Maimone. Song: Useless Eaters - Addicted to the blade. Photo
This is Wes Phelan blading a few parks around the Dallas metroplex. He has more energy and motivation to go blade than anyone else in our scene and it’s a great thing to be apart of. Thanks to Wes for doing this project with me and John Sullivan and Jason Reyna for helping me shoot. - Troy Maimone.
Footage compiled in Dallas, TX during the years of 2005 to 2009, which ended up in the videos 2Feet to Fade Nation’s Green. Shot - Lonnie Gallegos. Keep your eyes peeled for F33T.5. - Chris Farmer.
Filmed by John Sullivan, Jason Reyna and Gino Gotelli. Edited by Troy Maimone.
Song: Nuages - Dreams.
John Sullivan doing what he does best as he continues to perfect his craft. Much love to Jason Reyna and Gino Gotelli for helping me film for this project. Always a pleasure working with inspiring people that motivate me to learn and progress. Appreciate the hard work Sully! Horizon Hues continues. - Troy Maimone.
Music: Eli Prince & Kid Willis - Cosa. Artwork: Carlos Donjuan and the Sour Grapes.