Live from the Boogie Down 2017 (The Bronx, NY). Clips of the night. Filmed by George A. Velez.
The Bronx, New York. Another kink rail down, by Chris Farmer. “Only took a handful of tries, but waxin’ the rail got me at the end”. - Chris Farmer.
Champagne, a video by David Sizemore and Adam Johnson. Now available on Bigcartel. Visit Bladingisdead.com.
PLAY: Champagne Trailer | Teaser.
Chris Farmer is known for his famous kinkrail rides (PLAY). He still rips them! The Bronx, NYC - the clip below was filmed by Jon Ortiz & cut by Mike Torres.
Mike Torres released his projects for free on Sellfy, go and download your HD .mp4 video files of “One for the Road” and “The Wizard of Wall Street”.
One For The Road is an amateur rollerblading video filmed by Mike Torres, Nate Moore, and Augusto Castillo. Starring: Justin Brasco, Augusto Castillo, Mike Torres & Grant Hazelton. PLAY: B-Roll & Outtakes | Trailer.
“We proudly welcome Chris Farmer to the Pro Team.” - USD Skates. Photo by Jon Ortiz.
Alex Broskow and Adam Johnson spent 11 days skating, biking, walking, and driving throughout the New York City area in search of unique and classic spots for this profile. What was captured is in our opinion a representation of how to truly skate in New York City.
Alex Broskow - NYC VOD, B-Roll