ATL - July 22, 2017. Spot 3, Clips by Mooneyskates.

The Bold Opinion - Raw Clips
A-Town Skate 8 is a WRAP! What a great street skating experience for me and The Bold Opinion! The skate community is thriving, let’s keep it alive!
Flips & Tricks: A-Town Stomp reaches 8th year in Atlanta (July 22): Video Report on 11alive.com.
Reithalle Ulm, Cash for Trick 2017. Sponsored by Skatesolution. Video presented by TNT Clothing. Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt. Photography: Michael Saile.
Music: Flume - Smoke & Retribution (feat. Vince Staples, Kucka).
You surely remember the Rollinz Contest in Austria (if not check the Razors 2011 Edit by Simon Mulvaney, starring Chaz Sands, Stefan Horngacher and Mathias Silhan, player below). Werner Schumann is trying to relaunch the event, and needs your help. More infos coming your way right now.
Rollinz 2011 - Razors Edit by Simon Mulvaney
Razors European Team headed to Linz, Austria for the annual Rollinz competition. Featuring Chaz Sands, Stefan Horngacher and Mathias Silhan, this film by Simon Mulvaney shows the team as they warm up and compete in the contest. Additional footage by Roland Kluger. Music: El Toro by Bonodo. Visit Smulvaney.tv.
Rollinz 2018: Let us make the event happen again – together
Hello everybody! To all the people who don’t know me, my name is Werner Schumann. I am passionate about rollerblading and I did organize a lot of rollerblading-events in the past.
Now after quite a long break, I really want to help the Austrian rollerblading-scene to grow again by organizing a big event. In the last few years, rollerblading in Austria did not get the great attention which it deserved, and with that project we can bring the Sport into the spotlight again!
The Rollinz itself is one of the most well-known rollerblading contests to ever be held in Austria. The competition was first held in 2010, and in the years following has become one of the most successful contests of its kind.
After a 6-year break, the Rollinz will finally return, however, we need your help to make this dream a reality! Back in 2012, riders from all over Europe attended the competition, and we hope to see this again at the Rollinz in 2018.
Support the Fundraiser on Gogetfunding.com.
20th edition of the DOW (Dudelange on Wheels, Luxembourg), filmed and Edited by Walesa Alexis.
Top 3 Finals Runs, PLAY: Jelle Briggeman | Sem Croft | Nils Rinas.
Visit Dow.lu.
Jelle Briggeman, Finals Run at the 20th edition of the DOW (Dudelange on Wheels) in Luxembourg (August 16, 2016). Filmed and Edited by Walesa Alexis.
Visit Dow.lu.