Filmed by Fabian Gaile, Michael Witzemann, Antonio Cheetah, Elias Gerster & Florian Huemer.
Reithalle Ulm, Cash for Trick 2017. Sponsored by Skatesolution. Video presented by TNT Clothing. Filmed & edited by Wolfgang Appelt. Photography: Michael Saile.
Music: Flume - Smoke & Retribution (feat. Vince Staples, Kucka).
Couldn’t decide which one is harder for me, so I ended up doing both. Fun fact: the one I’ve chosen took me longer. I know… way to tippytappy fast dancing, I need a longer straight flat rail :( - Eugen Enin.
You have probably already watched the Eugen Enin promo edit for his USD pro skate but check it again, just to be sure. And if you liked that Ghost in the Shell music, check The Avalon Soundtrack, by the same artist: Kenji Kawaii (Youtube link).
Here is the 2nd spot of the Abriss III event in Berlin (Germany). The Rollerblading Street Contest will take place 05.08.2017 at 12h00. Be there! (first promo edit: PLAY).
Flashback (May 2016): Valo Brand proudly presents the SK2, Soichiro Kanashima‘s 2nd Pro Model. All skating filmed in Japan.