A sneak peak at the first two spots for this year’s Windy City Riot taking place on July 8th. Visit Windycityriot.com for more info. - Tri Tri-Rudolf.
A sneak peak at the first two spots for this year’s Windy City Riot taking place on July 8th. Visit Windycityriot.com for more info. - Tri Tri-Rudolf.
First blade competition of summer 2017: The Mccarren Money Maker. A small, mostly local, but great turnout. As always, it’s great to see everyone after another long winter. Cheers! Music by: Cookin Soul.
Best Trick: Philip Weaver.
Photo Gallery on Buttertv.com.
Really great event hosted by The Front Skatepark, down in sunny Weymouth Dorset. Thanks guys! Until next time… - Mark Worner.
Visit Weymouthskatepark.co.uk.
Here is my run from yesterday finals at Extreme Barcelona 2017. Starting my run with a double flip for the first time made me sooo happy! Such a great time there in Spain, see you next year! - Roman Abrate.
Men Results
Women Results
Michael Muller seems to destroy every comp he attends to. Luckily for us, Francesco from Munich and Rieky Gibson captured some of those moments ; here is a recap for the pleasure of your eyes.
Previously: Michael Muller (Germany) - 2017 Street Edit.