Chris Farmer, Surfin’ in Humacao, Puerto Rico.
Larger picture on Imgur. Photos: 01, 02.
Gaston - Royal AO Topsoul in Nantes (France) - Larger Picture. A photo by Ronan Algalarrondo (via the RN Flickr Photo Pool).
Larger picture on Imgur (via Instagram).
Marcina Wasielewskiego, skating in Oswiecim (Poland). A photo by Kuba Urbanczyk (larger picture).
Kuba Urbanczyk is the most consistent and talented photographer in the blading scene. Check his rolki (blading) photo gallery section on Kubaurbanczyk.pl, a website he worked on, for 9+ years straight. Also don’t miss this photo gallery featuring Marcina Wasielewskiego (Google translation).
Larger picture on Imgur (via Tumblr).
Larger picture on Imgur (via Instagram).