My first 2 days skating with Gaby Goez in Florida. Good vibes, chill, skate, repeat. - Melissa Brown.
My first 2 days skating with Gaby Goez in Florida. Good vibes, chill, skate, repeat. - Melissa Brown.
Bladies meeting in Scotland for Melissa Brown’s birthday. Enjoying a week of blading, good company and a lot of laughs. Main Camera and edition: Mery Munoz. Second Cameras: Alex Holmes & Melissa Brown.
Music: Leave my room - DBFC.
Featuring Jacky Schrooten, Melissa Brown, Javiera Garrido, Janna Scheerlinck, Mery Munoz & Eve Jovino.
Full Girls Results
Pacific Rim Video correspondent Chris Trondsen talks to The Bladies: Shannon Rodgers, Megan Petersen and Melissa Brown at the Blading Cup 2012 held in front of The Yost in Santa Ana. CA on Saturday, October 6, 2012. Video produced by Peter Gonzaga.
Video on Youtube: PLAY.
Album Done: South Florida rollerbladers making moves. Skaters in order of appearance: Chris Moracco, Chris Padilla, Rob Squire, Eric Hallimen, Brandon Austin, Pablo Porta, Buck Wild, Anthony Alari. Filmers: Chris Aberger, Rob squire, Buck Wild, Jon Fromm.