This is such an awesome section of Joey Chase. This video section definitely helped him get his name out there more and get more exposure. He definitely deserves everything he’s got and more.
This is such an awesome section of Joey Chase. This video section definitely helped him get his name out there more and get more exposure. He definitely deserves everything he’s got and more.
Alex Nunez’s (R.I.P.) section for the classic B.Unique film “1131”. Edited by Chris Brown (december 2011).
R.I.P Alex Nunez.
Accidental Machines was Mindgame’s farewell gift to the rollerblading industry. The 56 min. video dealt with themes ranging from the state of the industry, to the dual lives of pro-skaters, to the absurdity of popular trends. Written and Directed by Shane Coburn. Produced by Trendkiller, Inc. Starring: Chris Farmer, Brian Aragon, Billy O’Neill, Don Bambrick, Dustin Latimer, Aaron Feinberg & Ben Schwab.
Video Mirror: l7EsQ_1wcU8.
Youtube has been in desperate need of a higher quality version of this (360p). Sean Kelso is one of my all time favorite skaters and this is in my top 5 all time favorite sections. – Brett Dasovic.
The legendary ASU ledges at the Arizona State University Art Museum in Tempe. Featuring: Dustin Latimer, Joey Chase, Chad Hornish, Sean Keane, Zachary Gutweiler, Billy Lannom, Byron Snatchywaters, Adam Brierley, Dean Coward, Mike French, Mike Koliner, Brian Aragon, Ryan Verseman, Steve Bear, Andrew Scherf, Matty Schrock, Andy Mikos, Ben Weis, Eric Schrijn, Chris Haffey, Brad Magnuson, Kenny Scherf, Matthias Ogger, Winston Wardwell, Mike Hartman, Eric Perkett, Casey Bagozzi & more.
A compilation by Scoreback (Youtube Channel).
We’re proud to introduce our new Fester Wheel’s AM Franky Irven (26, originally from Hagerstown, MD). Video on Vimeo: PLAY
Interview + Photos by David Johns
I’ve had the pleasure of shooting Frank Irven skate during this edit and I have seen him push himself more and more every day. Frank’s skating rides a line between dangerous and enjoyable to watch and it’s always an edge of your seat thriller. His resilience, skill and commitment to skating has been long overdue for some recognition and I am personally excited to see him receive the exposure he deserves, which is why I wish to interview the man. – David Johns.
Article Link: Festerwheels.com is down, check this Archive.org Mirror (some pictures did not make the cut, but the interview is fully available).