Displaying posts tagged #Vincent Romain

Chileros Tour de Mexico (Rollerblading) - A film by Hadrien Bastouil

Mon, Mar 4, 2024
Chileros Tour de Mexico (Rollerblading) - A film by Hadrien Bastouil

Los Chileros present Tour de Mexico. A 4 months blading trip around the country with Frai Gomez, Thomas Camus, Hadrien Bastouil, Jeremi Rodriguez, Pablo Ledesma, Vincent Romain, Jon Pino, KB Felix, Daniel Vallejo, Diego Garzon, Mauricio Lara and many more.

Chileros Tour de Mexico (Rollerblading) - A film by Hadrien Bastouil

A film by Hadrien Bastouil. Main camera: Hadrien Bastouil.

Chileros Tour de Mexico (Rollerblading) - A film by Hadrien Bastouil
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Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (VOD) - Trailer

Thu, Oct 26, 2023
Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (VOD) - Trailer

The incredible story of a young boy who wanted to touch the sky, by sending his foot… to the moon! Do you know what Aggressive Inline is ? Have you ever heard of Julien Cudot ? He is the latest Agressive inline world champion! Lets discover the incredible story of one of the best agressive skater of his time. Julien has won almost everything, he was already beating the bests when he was just 15 and until this day, at the age of 30, he is still pushing the limits far from what has ever been done. - Vincent Romain.

Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (VOD) - Trailer

Pre-order now on Footmoon.com ; Release date : 15 december 2023. Directed & produced in Mexico by Backa Flipa Production.

Julien Cudot - Foot Moon (VOD) - Trailer

A film produced & directed by Backa Flipa Production with Julien Cudot (World Champion), the appearance of Brian Aragon, Alex Browskow, John Bolino, Stéphane Alfano, Roman Abrate, Frai Gomez, Hadrien Bastouil, Florian Petitcollin, Sofia Bogdanova, Daniel Mihalcea, Viktor Thorup, Alejandro Gonzalez, Angel Valdez, Vincent Romain, Alejandra Jimenez, Katherine Gomez, Michel Guevara, Jeremi Rodriguez, Thomas Camus, Jimmy dubost, Rocio Genaro with the participation of Guillaume Chaboud, Ricky Brown, Mariana Eites, Walter Sanchez, Clement Millot, Maciej Tomkow & more.

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El Tigre Mexicano - Vincent Romain (2023) - Rollerblading short movie

Fri, Apr 28, 2023
El Tigre Mexicano - Vincent Romain (2023) - Rollerblading short movie

Short Movie of pure agressive street rollerblading done in Mexico (Chetumal, Playa del Carmen, Cancun, CDMX, Monterrey, Guadalajara). Filmed between december 2022 and April 2023. Produced, skated & edited by: Vincent Romain AKA Tiger.

El Tigre Mexicano - Vincent Romain (2023) - Rollerblading short movie

Camera: Hadrien Bastouil, Guillaume Chaboux, Julien Cudot, Stephane Alfano, Walter Sanchez & Estaban Obregon. Music: In The Woods - Hugo Kant ; Give Me Water - John Forte & Valerie June.

El Tigre Mexicano - Vincent Romain (2023) - Rollerblading short movie

You can support Vincent Romain and buy him a coffee on Sellfy, getting an enhanced version of the edit in the process.

El Tigre Mexicano - Vincent Romain (2023) - Rollerblading short movie
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Stéphane Alfano - Alfanowski (2023) - One Mag Edit by Vincent Romain

Wed, Feb 1, 2023
Stéphane Alfano - Alfanowski (2023) - One Mag Edit by Vincent Romain

Fresh off his stay in Mexico, Stéphane Alfano is back with another edit documenting his travels in South America. This time he’s rolling through Brazil, visiting Sao Paulo, Campinas, Curitiba, and Floripa, seeing famous sights and skating with none other than Carlos Pianowski. With his keen eye for big tricks and new spots that no one has considered, Stéphane is full of surprises and smiles in this new profile. Enjoy!

Stéphane Alfano - Alfanowski (2023) - One Mag Edit by Vincent Romain

Shot by Erich Gegenbauer, Gabriel Nunes, Tais Colares, Kadu and Diego Rachadel. Edited by Vincent Romain. Visit Oneblademag.com.

Previously: Stéphane Alfano - Alfamor (Mexico, 2023) - OneMag Video by Vincent Romain.

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Stéphane Alfano - Alfamor (Mexico, 2023) - OneMag Video by Vincent Romain

Tue, Jan 3, 2023
Stéphane Alfano - Alfamor (Mexico, 2023) - OneMag Video by Vincent Romain

Stéphane Alfano spent a month traveling and skating throughout Mexico, taking his trademark fearless approach to a wide variety of spots and terrain. Along the way he made new friends and laid down big tricks on a handful of impossible spots, all documented by local videographer Vincent Romain and presented here for our entertainment. Enjoy!

Stéphane Alfano - Alfamor (Mexico, 2023) - OneMag Video by Vincent Romain

Check a photo report on Oneblademag.com (pictures by Thomas Camus), and an extra teaser if you missed it: PLAY (Youtube).

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Mixture (2003, France) by Martin Demay - Rasca Prod - Full Video

Wed, Apr 6, 2022
Mixture (2003, France) by Martin Demay - Rasca Prod - Full Video

Hugo Renard & friends found an old VHS from 2003, and it’s your lucky day, they decided to digitize it. Here is Mixture, a video by Martin Demay, Rasca Prod. Visit Laroulette.eu.

Mixture (2003, France) by Martin Demay - Rasca Prod - Full Video

Profiling: Nicolas Eymery, Greg Blanc, Nicolas Bellini, Etienne Montet, Khalid Ajai, Vincent Romain & Geoffrey Lopes.

Mixture (2003, France) by Martin Demay - Rasca Prod - Full Video

Featuring: Antsa Ilia Koutchoukov, Romain Wiplier, Johan Thuillot, Mathieu Heinemann, Simon Demay, Guillaume Debuf, Daniel Aladjidi (au top du top), Le FISE à Palavas, Greg Mirzoyan Stephane Alfano, Jochen Smuda Neou Men, Bruno Loewe, Thomas Pfluger, JB Masse, Thierry Lallemand, CASPER, Fabrice Guyont, Le shop Nice Skates, Julien Breganwski, Greg Defreyne, Mourad Leuchi, Hedhyz, Cleo Dozier, PATOCHE!!, Tino Areno, Adri Auzeil, Arnaud Beziet, Nicolas Auroux, Adrien Sala, Nicolas Jager, Sydney Valette, Ludo & Flopette, Williams Cerlo & Camille.

Mixture (2003, France) by Martin Demay - Rasca Prod - Full Video

For french speaking users, here are some words written by Freddy White:

Messieurs dames, Mixture, par Martin Demay - Rasca Prod (2003). « A une époque désormais lointaine où le patin, en France et à peu près partout ailleurs, s’articulait en crews restreints à des zones précises et souvent limitées, de codes postaux en indicatifs téléphoniques, le Rasca a promu l’idée d’un collectif basé sur des affinités communes plutôt que géographiques, et d’amitiés renforcées par les voyages en bande et les heures passées ensemble dans un van fumant. En bref, d’un patin vécu ensemble et partout.

Avec Mixture, sortie en 2003, Martin Demay en apporte la parfaite illustration, avec des images filmées dans la France entière, de Lille et Dunkerque jusqu’à Nice et Montpellier, en passant par Châlon, Annecy et Lyon et parfois même, des contrées étrangères comme Lausanne et Paris. A l’écran, on retrouve un très gros profile de Geoffrey Lopes, sans doute les meilleures images de Bellini sur cassettes Mini DV, sans parler de chouchous de la Roulette comme Patoche et Casper, ni oublier le traître parisien Mathieu Heinemann, anguille réputée. Le FISE et son ESA, L’Urban Chaos de la Défense et le disaster de Jochen Smuda sur la boîte électrique à Bercy, en bref tout le meilleur de l’année 2002 pour un visionnage des plus appréciables !

Les copains et l’aventure, les voyages et les frontières géographiques explosées, par dessus tout la roulette comme vecteur de rencontres et de partage… Il suffit d’un rapide coup d’oeil dans le rétro de ces vingt dernières années pour réaliser le rôle essentiel qu’ont joué les Rasca sur ma conception du patin, et leur influence ultérieure sur des projets comme Frenchy Fries et sans doute la Roulette aujourd’hui. Pour Mixture, comme pour tout le reste : merci Martin, merci les Rasca ! PS : Antsa, tu manques copain ». - Freddy White.

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Blading Mazunte (Oaxaca, Mexico) - March 2022

Tue, Mar 22, 2022
Blading Mazunte (Oaxaca, Mexico) - March 2022

Vincent Moreau (Guru) & Vincent Romain (Tigrou) skating in Mazunte (Oaxaca, Mexico.

Blading Mazunte (Oaxaca, Mexico) - March 2022
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Vincent - Romain AKA Tiger - Taz Skatepark Edit by Gyom Latrompette (Quebec, Canada, 2021)

Tue, Oct 26, 2021
Vincent - Romain AKA Tiger - Taz Skatepark Edit by Gyom Latrompette (Quebec, Canada, 2021)

Vincent Romain, AKA Tiger shredding the Taz Skatepark in Quebec. A video by Guillaume Latrompette. Visit Taz.ca.

Vincent - Romain AKA Tiger - Taz Skatepark Edit by Gyom Latrompette (Quebec, Canada, 2021)

Want to see more of Vincent? Here is his 87 DAYS section by Arsene Jurman, filmed in San Francisco. Released in 2012. All the sections of the video are available on Vimeo. Music: Throwing Snow - Snow Ghost Breathing My Skin ; Skip The Use - Bastard Song.

Vincent - Romain AKA Tiger - Taz Skatepark Edit by Gyom Latrompette (Quebec, Canada, 2021)
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Vincent Romain: Rollerblading Canada's West Side Series With Sheldon Lapointe (2021)

Wed, Jun 30, 2021
Vincent Romain: Rollerblading Canada's West Side Series With Sheldon Lapointe (2021)

Vincent Romain: Rollerblading Canada’s West Side Series With Sheldon Lapointe (2021) - Episode n°4. Banff & Calgary.

Vincent Romain: Rollerblading Canada's West Side Series With Sheldon Lapointe (2021)

“This time i spend one week in calgary spending almost all my time with Sheldon Lapointe so we did this friendly edit together :-)”. - Vincent Romain.

Rollerblading Canada’s west side series

  • Episode 1: Courtenay (Vancouver island) - PLAY
  • Episode 2: Ucluelet (Vancouver island) - PLAY
  • Episode 3: Wistler - PLAY
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Vincent Romain - Rollerblading in British Columbia Series: Whistler (Canada, 2021)

Sun, Jun 6, 2021
Vincent Romain - Rollerblading in British Columbia Series: Whistler (Canada, 2021)

Solo chill session rastafaflex with Vincent Romain & juan drônito at Whistler skatepark ;-)

Vincent Romain - Rollerblading in British Columbia Series: Whistler (Canada, 2021)

British Columbia (BC) is the westernmost province of Canada, situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains (Wikipedia).

Previously: Vincent Romain (35) - Montreal Rollerblading (2021) - Profile by Gyom Latrompette.

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Rollerblading Gems

Benztown (Stuttgart, Germany) - USD Edit with Eugen Enin, Carlos Bernal & Michael Muller

Daniel Goncharov - Summer Vibes 2024

Northwest Shred Tour 2024 - Feetblading Edit by Lonnie Galegos

Seoul Skaters - Hangang Bridge, Street Skating (2024)

Michael Witzemann & Friends - Unfrozen.

Inferno - In & Out - FULL VOD, NOW FREE - With Bobi Spassov, Ilia Savosin & Kate Bedrata

FR Skates: Diaby Diako UFR Street Pro Skates

Homerun With Gino Dangers - A video by Maxime

Skatepod: Episode 30 with Tom Hyser

Vollkornblading: Tour De Aal - Aalglatt Alleyblade (Hamburg, Germany)

Hazen Bell (Utah) - Oysi, Pro Model Chassis - Promo Edit by Jake Dotson

BLADEHOUSE 9 STREET DAY (25.08.2023) - Athens, Greece

Big Wheels (more)

Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey - Wizard Base and Wizard Base High

Astral Blade x FTS (2022) with Pat Ridder, Sandro Gruenheid, Dominik Stransky & Friends - Big Wheels

Them Skates & Brain Dead Present: JK in 5d Vision (2022)

OG (more)

Full Circle: Featuring CJ Wellsmore - [Documentary Short] by Dom West - Full VOD, Now Free

Sven Buršić (37, Croatia) - 2023 Street Edit - Strtz x Broskva x Leaf

Cajt - 2023 Recap (Czech Republic) - H.B.O.K Crew, Inline Cup Kroměříž 2023, Skatekm

Capital Rollas - Dad's Birthday, Barcelona Trip

Skaters: | Joe Atkinson | Brian Aragon | Chihiro Azuma | Carlos Bernal | Beat Schillmeier | Sam Crofts | John Bolino | Alex Broskow | Julien Cudot | Warren Digne | Richie Eisler | Eugen Enin | Chris Farmer | Demetrios George | Mathieu Heinemann | Nils Jansons | Montre Livingston | Nick Lomax | Franky Morales | Mery Muñoz | Mathias Silhan | Brian Shima | Soichiro Kanashima | Chynna Weierstall | Takeshi Yasutoko

Skate Brands: Adapt | Deshi | Faction | Gawds | Iqon | Nimh | Razors | Roces | Seba | SSM | Them | Trigger | USD |