Stuart Brattey - All My Friends Do Mushrooms - Express Street Edit.
Express presents Northern Frights. Proudly supported by Shop Task. Shot on location in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Alberta, and British Columbia in May 2024.
Featuring: Danny Beer, Stuart Brattey, Brian Long, Ben Magaziner, Blake Payne & Dylan Shippee. Special guests: Leon Basin, Colin Brattey, AJ DeLong, Mikey Mendoza, Terrell Mourato & Shaun Unwin.
Wizard and Express present Permafried. Featuring: Benjamin Nenno, TJ Edwards, Danny Beer, AJ DeLong, Stuart Brattey & Leon Basin. Directed by Danny Beer.
The VOD is available here for $20 + taxes (around $23 in total).
Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey skating the Wizard Base and Wizard Base High. Leon’s equipment: Wizard Base with Wizard NR and PR frames, Wizard Base High with Wizard Advanced frames. Stuart’s equipment: Wizard Base High with Wizard Advanced frames. Visit Wizardskating.com.
biba4KPICTURE presents B⁎︎R⁎︎A⁎︎I⁎︎N⁎︎G⁎︎O⁎︎D. The debut Abibas full-length rollerblading movie. Filmed between 2020-2023. Premiered in theatres NYC, LA, CPH, LDN (Fall 2023). Released on abibasactivewear.com (Dec. 31, 2023). Released on YouTube (March 03, 2024).
Content: 00:00 Biba4kpicture Introduction | 04:04 Julian Garcia | 09:49 Soil Thornton | 14:30 Thinh Le | 19:16 Abibas Watch Interlude | 20:22 Eric Woods & Timothy Kelly | 24:46 Danny Beer & Stuart Brattey | 29:29 Teamrider’s Guild | 34:13 Kellen Majcher | 35:44 Themskates | 38:00 Nicholas Labarre | 42:08 Drew Nemiroski | 48:25 Lien Ta Cheng | 55:41 Braingod Credits.
Wizard presents RE•EMBARK. The sequel to DISEMBARK. Featuring: Leon Basin, Mike Torres, AJ DeLong, and Stuart Brattey. Directed by Mike Torres. Filmed in the summer of 2022. Full video available for purchase on Wizardskating.com.
Previously: DISEMBARK - Full Video (2019, 11min) - PLAY.
Leon Basin and Stuart Brattey spend the weekend in Victoria, BC skating on Wizard Advanced frames. Filming and editing by Danny Beer. Music: Cavandoli - Léon Branche.
Visit Wizardskating.com.
Stuart Brattey skating Leon Basin’s Danny Beer Them Skates in Sidney, BC, Canada.
Previously: Stuart Brattey - Anti Rocker (2021) by Danny Beer.
Starring: Andrew Nemiroski, Danny Beer, Stuart Brattey, Brian Long & John Vossoughi. Featuring Colin Brattey, Josh Silver, Louis Packham, Taylor Ritchie & Ben Stiller.
PROGRAM 2017. STRENGTH. ENDURANCE. BUILD. RECOVERY. Runtime 19m. PROGRAM 1080P Digital download available at Program.bigcartel.com ($10).