Ilia Savosin - Singapore Trip, during the Embily Tour 2023, with Alexander Bychkov. Video featured in the edit: BLADING UPSCALED - LIFE LINE 1 / ЛИНИЯ ЖИЗНИ 1 (Rollerblading, 2002) - PLAY.
Previously: Heat - Ilia Savosin New Roces Signature Skates.

Ilia Savosin - Singapore Trip, during the Embily Tour 2023, with Alexander Bychkov. Video featured in the edit: BLADING UPSCALED - LIFE LINE 1 / ЛИНИЯ ЖИЗНИ 1 (Rollerblading, 2002) - PLAY.
Previously: Heat - Ilia Savosin New Roces Signature Skates.
Some things you’re able to pick up exactly where you left off. Rollerblading isn’t one of them. I’m proud to present my first edit after a long leave of absence, which was surprisingly hard to make. What was even more surprising was how warmly the community of true rollerbladers welcomed me back; how their love and passion for the sport had never diminished, but only grown. I’m humbled and honoured to call them my family. - Alvin Chong. Apologies for the poor quality footage. Big thanks to everyone who helped film, and Alexander Bychkov for filming and editing! - PLAY.
Flashback: Alvin Chong - Razors Singapore (2015)
First uploaded to the Razors YT channel in 2015. Filmed by Amirul Asyraf and Nicholas Hart. Music: ‘Sixteen Tons’ by Tennessee Ernie Ford - PLAY.