For quite some time now people we’ve heard here and there that blading is dying, we hear that so much that great stories could possibly be forgotten… ESA’s (Evolution Street Attack) first edition was in 2002 and still well alive in 2017. Successive generations of Montpellierans have passed on the torch to keep this contest alive.
This year again the OGs where still here (you may have been introduced to Alban, Salamech, Namo, Bastien for a few years now) skating along some younger kids newer to the streets; I guess it’s quite a good sign for a bright future […]. Full Report on Laroulette.eu (in english - et en francais). Report by Thomas Riffaud, photos: Clement Barbaza.
- Nicolas Auroux
- Victor Daum
- Gaston Michel
- Tom Thieuleux
- Williams Cerlo