“It’s me again, so exited to share with all of you my new video skating for the brand Deathsquad Blading. Also I wanna say thanks one more time for all this brands who believe in myself and keep supporting me even without know me in a person way”.
“This video represent a lot how hard is for me to realize each video. Specially because nobody skate in my city and always is sad to be alone recording your tricks, no motivated at all. Anyways, I got two good tricks recorded by my good skatefriend “Gallito” and the rest of the video was me. As you can see, the skatepark is so big but each area still alone.
I know the idea of an alone skatepark sounds beautiful but believe me… after more 10 years skating like this is so depressing. The good thing is that I still loving to skate. Thank you life, thank you rollerblading for all. Peace and just keep rollin”. - Frai Gomez.
A Proyecto Mexico Video (Youtube Channel).