While filming for the video Julian Issac threw out his back and pulled several muscles. Because of that he couldn’t film as the much as the rest of the guys. Non the less he kicked out some quality clips. Thanks again to Ryan Stevens and J’BREEZY for filming some stuff for me.
Rest in Peace Julian Issac

Jan Welch is organizing a raffle to benefit the family of Julian Isaac, featuring the Art of Erik Burke and Chris Peel.
Hi, Jan Welch here. I wanted to let everyone know that I am holding a raffle for the family of Julian Issac. I still cannot believe that Julian was taken from us. Since his passing, my heart has hurt every day. I wanted to do something to help out Julian’s twin brother William Issac and his family. I am raffling off two pieces of art from my collection, by legendary rolling artists Erik Burke and Chris Peel, to help the Issac family with any expenses they may incur during their time of need. Link